Zuckerberg Himself Says He Doesn’t Want to be in Charge of Censorship Anymore!

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
March 27, 2018

This is the greatest news I’ve heard all month! And take note – this is the end of the month already! So it’s the greatest news I’ve heard in 27 days!


Mark Zuckerberg says he feels “uncomfortable” acting as the world’s censor, although he also claims that it is currently “his job” to do so — and mainstream journalists agree.

“I feel fundamentally uncomfortable sitting here in California at an office, making content policy decisions for people around the world,” the Facebook CEO told Recode last week.

The Facebook CEO said, “There are going to be things that we never allow, right, like terrorist recruitment and … We do, I think, in terms of the different issues that come up, a relatively very good job on making sure that terrorist content is off the platform. But things like where is the line on hate speech? I mean, who chose me to be the person that …”

Zuckerberg then said that he has to make those decisions because he “leads” Facebook, but that he’d “rather not.”

“So, for now, it’s my job, right? And I am responsible for it. But I just wish that there were a way … a process where we could more accurately reflect the values of the community in different places. And then in the community standards, have that be more dynamic in different places.”

Zuckerberg’s comments are a rare reminder of the original ethos of social media companies; to remain content neutral and give users control over what they say and see.

(Here’s the full transcript.)

So, let me tell you what is going on here.

All of these SJWs and Jews are demanding that social media companies shut down all sorts of speech. And they gain nothing from obliging them, financially. The threat that the ADL and other groups have – their leverage – is that they will defame you in the media if you do not obey them. In fact, this could actually probably be framed as blackmail in a legal sense.

So, when it comes to like, full on “GAS THE KIKES, RACE WAR NOW,” it was easier, during the Trump era when everyone was talking nonstop about the rising threat of internet racism, to just ban this content.

But now, in the post-Charlottesville era, the ADL believes they have a blank check to just demand everything be banned totally. And now we’ve got this gun control thing and demands that any Second Amendment content be banned.

And there is no point at which those demanding content be banned are going to say “okay, this is good, you’ve banned enough content and now we’re happy with the platform as it is.” They will always demand more, more, more. That is the way censorship works.

It’s called the slippery slope.

On top of the issues with private companies in America making these demands, foreign governments – the government of Germany in particular – are now fining Facebook for not immediately deleting any content that violates their insane hate speech laws.

So they are having to ban more and more people, which affects their bottom line, and they are having to hire a huge staff of censors who speak multiple languages, which is super expensive.

So Zuckerberg is looking at this and saying “you know, this isn’t really my job.”

Matthew Prince, the CEO of Cloudflare, has also come out and said that it isn’t his job. I was the first person he banned, and I think the only one to this point, and he’s said that he did that to prove the point that if he banned one person, the slippery slope kicked in and they would start demanding thousands of people be banned. And that has happened.

Prince has argued that we need a new vision of net neutrality which makes all internet infrastructure content neutral. And it looks like Zuck is going in the direction of wanting that for Facebook as well.

Nb4 Zuckerberg is a Jew – yes, he is, but he’s also a miscegenating autistic Jew who doesn’t appear to have any particular connection to his Jewish identity beyond his general slimy behavior.

Furthermore, he’s a Jew who runs one of the biggest companies in the world, which has shareholders which have the ability to oust him if he isn’t able to make the company profitable.

And with the Cambridge Analytica backlash, which cost him billions, I think he’s really ready for government intervention.

Because, look: the Cambridge thing was the same issue as the hate speech censorship issue: it is about who is allowed to use the platform. What Bannon’s company did was nothing different than what thousands of corporations and politicians do with Facebook data, the media’s assertion is simply that it shouldn’t have been allowed because it was being used to benefit Donald Trump (and the Leave campaign).

Government regulation frees him from the responsibility of all of this.

Matthew Prince has already put forward the True Neutrality plan. He’s gone to Washington to talk about it.

The Jews are not stopping with their demands. Now with the gun thing there is a whole new set of demands, which if taken to the full extent would ban all normie conservatives.

Twitter backed off of banning everyone when they said they were going to ban everyone, and they are being attacked for it nonstop.

They all want regulation. And the Democrats – these fools – are themselves pushing for regulation with all of this Russian shitposter stuff and the Cambridge thing.

I believe that within the year, we are going to win this war.

As I have said again and again, Trump has to do this before the 2020 election, because you can well believe that the ADL and all of these Soros censorship groups are planning to have every last Trump supporter gone from all social media by then. That is I think a big part of the drive to remove gun-supporters – removing anyone who supports the Second Amendment pretty much removes all of Trump’s people from the social media sphere, and they’re using this “attacking children” line to try to get that done.

Ajit Pai is standing by to sit down with Matthew Prince and make this happen.

All Trump has to do is give the signal.