Zyklon Ben Garrison May Now be in Possession of Nuclear Launch Codes

Shalom Shekelberg
Israeli Jew News Time
July 21, 2014

Shoahdown 2014: If the greatest enemy the Jews have known since Adolf Hitler has control of nuclear weapons, a new Holocaust may be unavoidable.
Shoahdown 2014: Ben “Gas the Kikes” Garrison vs. the Jewish People

It now appears that Ben Garrison’s capture, which we reported on last week, may have been a ploy by the notorious cartoonist and militia leader to obtain nuclear launch codes which will allow him to detonate an atomic bomb inside of the Jew State of Israel and murder millions of Jews.

Garrison was taken into custody by the elite SEAL Team Six unit, but escaped mere hours later, having broken out of his shackles and murdered all those aboard the helicopter that was meant to be carrying him to an unnamed CIA aircraft carrier in the Pacific for interrogation. The chopper-bird was later found in the mountains of Montana, Garrison having disappeared back into a complex system of secret underground tunnels.

A source within the CIA has now revealed that someone aboard the helicopter on which Garrison was taken captive used computer equipment inside the aircraft to hack into a joint CIA-Mossad database, in which the codes for detonating Israel’s nuclear arsenal may have been accessible.

“This explains why SEAL Team Six was able to apprehend him with such relative ease,” says an unnamed former Mossad analyst “getting caught was, of course, part of his plan.”

The good news – if we can even use such a term – is that Garrison will need to be inside of Israel in order to trigger a detonation. “The codes are hardwired into the system, but they can only be triggered from a military installation inside of Israel,” said the former analyst. So, Garrison might not be able to detonate the missiles without blowing himself up in the process.

“In the event that Garrison was able to completely exterminate all Jews in one go, I have no doubt he would give his own life. But even if he managed to kill all of the Jews in Israel, there would still be millions of the diaspora left around the world – and as he has repeatedly voiced, he believes he cannot go and ‘fill his glorious post among his blood-drenched Viking ancestors in Valhalla’ until ‘every last stinking kike has been wiped-off the face of the earth.'”

The unnamed agent also said that there was a concern Garrison could launch a nuke from inside Israel into the Islamic holy city of Mecca, thus stirring up even worse Arabian hatred against the Jews, using them as a proxy army for his genocidal agenda.

But right now, as far as we are aware, Garrison is still in the tunnels of Montana. And that’s a long way from Israel.

Barrack Obama has issued an executive order declaring heightened airport security to ensure Garrison cannot board a plane, as he has done in the past using fake passports, facial prosthetics and feigned foreign accents.

Ben Garrison is a confirmed master of disguise, and has even been so bold as to cross international borders pretending to be Jewish.
The murderous Garrison, who has described himself as a “one man Auschwitz,” is a confirmed master of disguise, and has even been so bold as to cross international borders pretending to be Jewish, according to intelligence sources.

This decree by Obama includes random anal cavity searches by TSA agents, most of whom are overweight African American women. It has prompted outrage from civil liberties advocates and Alex Jones, but Obama has declared that “a probing finger in an uncomfortable spot is a small price for the American people to pay for the security of Israel, our greatest ally.”

There are concerns within Israel that the terrorist nation of Palestine may be willing to help Garrison carry-out his agenda, says Jew Rabbi Simon Dollarstein, who has been following the movements of the Skinhead Militia leader for 40 years.

“But I don’t know why the Palestinians would help him, given that he has repeatedly made it clear that once he’s finished with the Jews, he’s going to wipe out all of the non-whites on the planet,” the good Rabbi explained. “Speaking on the Arabs, Garrison famously declared ‘A hadji is just a kike who traded-in half his brain for a pair of balls.'”

But the Palestinians are born terrorists, and they may be willing to go to any length to punish the Jews whom they so hate – including helping a madman intent on wiping them out.

Since Ben Garrison began his latest push for genocide against the Jews, which began with a YouTube video renewing his oft-repeated call for race war, untold thousands around the globe have come out in support of his genocidal agenda.
Since Ben Garrison began his latest push for genocide against the Jews, which began with a YouTube video renewing his oft-repeated call for race war, untold thousands around the globe have come out in support of his genocidal agenda; he has become a folk hero to privileged Whites who deliriously believe they have been disenfranchised.

On Sunday, Jews were already beginning to emigrate from Israel, fearing a Ben Garrison assault on the tiny only democracy in the Middle East is inevitable.

The US Marines deployed in Montana are presently engaged in Operation Eternal Fox Hunt, a plan to ferret out Garrison from his tunnel system, but have had no success. So far, at least 19 have been killed and no less than 27 horribly mutilated by booby-traps left by Garrison, while 7 more are missing and presumed dead.

Garrison left this cartoon at the entrance to his tunnel system, apparently as a warning to White soldiers he considers his "racial brethren" that the tunnels were filled with deadly traps.
Garrison left this cartoon at the entrance to his Montana tunnel system, apparently as a warning to White soldiers he considers his “racial brethren” that the tunnels were filled with deadly traps.

One high government official Jew said that there is a possibility the tunnels run all the way through to Mexico.  With commercial flights out of the question, Garrison will have no choice but to find a less-direct route to Israel.