146 More Inauguration Day Rioters Indicted

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 10, 2017

Sessions is in charge.

And he is going to throw the book at these whining little faggots.


The US Attorney’s Office in DC says 146 more people face felony charges related to violence during inaugural protests. So far, 209 people have been indicted for incidents related to Inauguration Day in Washington, DC.

Mass arrests occurred on Inauguration Day when protests in Washington, DC turned violent, resulting in 290 people being led away in handcuffs. Of the nearly 300, 209 people are facing a maximum of 10 years in jail and a fine of up to $25,000 for felony rioting charges.

Taking the alleged rioters to court could prove difficult, due to the scope of the arrests. Earlier this month, the Washington Post reported that investigators were still reviewing evidence and footage but had subpoenaed suspected rioters’ Facebook accounts.

Defense attorney Jason Flores-Williams told the Post that three of his clients received notifications from Facebook that their accounts had been subpoenaed.

“This violates their rights. And what does that have to do with the case?” Flores-Williams said. “It’s broad and overreaching.”

“[The investigators are] just trying to intimidate people and scare them,” he added.

Of course we are.

This has gone on for far too long, and these people need made example of, so that little upper-middle class communist faggots think twice before going out and attacking random people on the street.

The Obama administration had a policy of giving these people a slap on the wrist or not even arresting them at all, and those days are finished.

All it takes is for 3 or 4 of these fags to get the maximum sentence and go sit in prison with the nig-nogs for ten years. Then, you’re going to see a whole hell of a lot less terrorist actions by the crybaby left.

What’s more, these groups need to be put on terrorist watch lists, and their ties to “non-violent” human rights and civil rights organizations needs to investigated. It is clear that there is a buddy-buddy relationship, and presumably also money changing hands, among the SPLC, various George Soros NGOs and various antifa terrorist groups such as Anti-Racist Action and One People’s Project. A serious DoJ investigation needs to be opened into all of these kikes and unamerican traitors.

We have to shut them down.

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