There are not very many “former trannies” because most of them kill themselves.
Most of us millennials have tattoos we regret. A lot of millennials have those stupid stretched ear lobes.

It sucks. I hate not being able to cover my tattoos with a t-shirt, and having them visible through a white button-up. I’m really glad I don’t have stretched lobes.
So, take that form of regret, then imagine you cut your dick and balls off as a fashion trend. The obvious solution when you realize what you’ve done is to kill yourself. That’s why trannies have such high suicide rates. It’s not because they’re bullied, which is just retarded. It’s because of the regret over mutilating their bodies in a way that can’t ever be repaired.
Even the ones who didn’t do the surgery are so ashamed when they realize what they’ve done that they usually kill themselves.
So the number of “former trannies” is low. Most of them are going to be women, since women are so much less likely to kill themselves.
Plus, if a bitch cuts her tits off, she can at least get silicon tits if she didn’t cut out her uterus and try to build a fake penis with skin from her arm and a stretched-out clitoris.
Imagine that series of words – “fake penis with skin from her arm and a stretched-out clitoris.” How is this not considered like, Cenobite type shit?
Was (homosexual) Clive Barker not some kind of prophet from Hell, predicting all of this “seduction of pain and body mutilation”? I don’t recommend anyone watch his films, but “prescient” does not even begin to describe the way those satanic themes from the 80s have manifest. I’ve actually read all of his books, at least before he started writing books for children, and Coldheart Canyon basically had Pizzagate.
Whatever, I guess. I don’t know. Who knows.
Mad props to this stupid no-titty bitch.
A California teen who formerly identified as transgender is backing a Florida rule blocking Medicaid funds from paying for medical interventions for gender dysphoria — emotionally telling a hearing that she “didn’t understand” the ramifications and may now be at increased risk for some cancers.
Chloe Cole, who decided she was transgender at 12 and underwent a double mastectomy three years later, spoke at a public hearing Friday in favor of Rule 59G-1.050, which would restrict Medicaid funding for transgender drugs and procedures.
“I really didn’t understand all of the ramifications of any of the medical decisions that I was making,” Cole, now 17, said at the hearing, according to Fox News.
Yeah, ya think?
I mean – how do people not pogrom the Jews over this child tranny stuff? It is literally the worst possible thing, to mutilate the sexual organs of children. It is much worse than child rape. If you’re molested or raped as a child, you can go to counseling, go to church, deal with the issue. You can’t deal with having your genitals mutilated. Sorry, I’m a very strong Christian, but here’s the fact: no matter how much you pray, your dick is not going to grow back.
Again – at least this bitch can get silicon. But what about her hormone system? It’s irreversibly damaged, even if she didn’t cut out her uterus she’s probably sterile, and – I’m sorry to have to be vulgar, but I have to, because it’s true – her clitoris is probably as big as your thumb.
I don’t know if you know this, and I hate to say it, but in the womb, before the sex of the child it determined by a release of hormones by the mother, the sex organ that is developing is the penis OR clitoris. So if a girl during puberty decides to take a bunch of testosterone shots, it will cause her body to think the clitoris is a penis and start growing it.
Sorry, but I have to say that.
“I was unknowingly physically cutting off my true self from my body, irreversibly and painfully.”
Cole also spelled out the impact of her decision made as a minor in a separate meeting with Florida Surgeon General Joseph Ladapo, who posted video of her compelling account on Twitter.
“I don’t know if I’ll be able to fully carry a child, and I might be at increased risk for certain cancers, mainly cervical cancer,” Cole said. “And because I do not have my breasts — I no longer have breasts — I’m not able to breastfeed whatever future children I have.”
Yeah, if you try to birth a child it won’t be able to get out because it will get stuck on your gigantic swinging clitoris…!
No but seriously, you probably won’t ever be able to get pregnant at all.
Anyway, she’s pretty based, responding to haters on Twitter.
I got angry pretty easily when I was trans too. Get well soon.
— Chloe Cole ⭐️ (@ChoooCole) July 11, 2022
That’s a very good tweet. Probably when she was on testosterone she got an injection of BASED TROLL KEK JUICE.
Cole then took a long pause, the footage shows.
“That realization actually was one of the biggest things that led to me realizing that this was not the path that I should have taken,” Cole said, adding that no child should have to experience what she endured.
“Do not transition your kids,” Cole told Fox News when asked what she would tell the public after her experience.
“If you are considering transitioning, please wait until you are a fully developed adult. Transitioning can damage your body and mind in ways that we may not fully understand.”
Ladapo tweeted Sunday that Florida doesn’t support the medicalization of minors with gender dysphoria since the “benefits are unproven.” He thanked Cole for being “courageous enough” to share her account.
This is the money clip.
I can’t thank you enough @FLSurgeonGen for giving me the chance to tell my story. We cannot allow this to happen to children. People in positions of power have allowed this to happen. I know you will help break this vicious cycle.
— Chloe Cole ⭐️ (@ChoooCole) July 10, 2022
Literally stunning and brave. I never thought I’d say that unironically, but those are the two words that come to mind here, 100%.
Her voice is probably never going to be fixed. She’s going to have to have her jaw shaved. Her brow is also masculine; I don’t even know if it’s possible to shave that.
It’s just unfathomable to do this to a 12-year-old girl. Why is she not suing people for this? I would sue the school, the doctors, and frankly also my parents.
“Medicalization of minors with gender dysphoria might advance the political views of physicians involved in their care, but the data showing any benefits for the actual children is extraordinarily thin,” Ladapo told Fox News. “The affirmation model runs an unacceptably high risk of harm.”
However, some published studies have shown benefits of gender-affirming medical interventions, including lower odds of depression and suicide.
“These data add to existing evidence suggesting that gender-affirming care may be associated with improving well-being among [transgender and nonbinary] youths over a short period, which is important given mental health disparities experienced by this population, particularly the high levels of self-harm and suicide,” read the February study published in the National Library of Medicine.
Another study found that retransitions are rare. Just 7.3% of youth had retransitioned at least once 5 years after their initial social transition, according to the research published in May by the American Academy of Pediatrics.
Yeah, well – I wonder why. Actually, I already explained why, so I don’t wonder.
All of those 40% that suicided “retransitioned” in Hell, because Satan doesn’t honor gender pronouns.
I obviously support DeSantis cutting certain finances being spent on mutilating children. But why is he not at least trying to outright ban it?
It’s the same thing with the “Don’t Say Gay” law. He only banned indoctrinating children into homosexualism and trannyism before fourth grade. On the first day of fourth grade in Florida, it’s all just dildos and blowjob instruction manuals.
But he gets the credit like he’s banning all trannies, or banning all fag propaganda in schools, while hardly going even half-way.
I am growing more and more suspicious of DeSantis and his agenda. I don’t not support the things he does, but he’s now soliciting cash from the Jews as if he’s going to run against Trump in 2024. He’s got the backing of a bunch of neocons and the Bush family and many other #NeverTrump types.
In fact, DeSantis is literally the #NeverTrump candidate.
Why not ban all trannies, Ron?
Even if it gets stuck in the courts – okay, well, you don’t have any ability to stop that. But you can at least try. I’m sure the Based Black Guy Florida Surgeon General is trying to ban all trannies and all kinds of other faggot nonsense. He outright said no one should take the vax, while DeSantis was like “well, the vax is maybe good, but you shouldn’t have to take it.”
I would support the BBG Surgeon General Joseph Legapo before I would support DeSantis against Trump. Legapo is hardcore and doesn’t care.
He does nothing but chuckle at virus-believers and mad trannies, and does not think you have a right to turn your children into trannies or force your children to get vaxed or wear masks. DeSantis is like “oh well, personal choice” – no, you don’t have a personal choice to abuse children, and if you want to take this deadly vaccine, you should be sectioned. Anyone who wants to willingly take this vaccine is mentally ill and should not be allowed to make their own decisions.