Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 16, 2020

Things are getting dire on the floating trailer park that is the Diamond Princess.
A further 70 people on the Diamond Princess cruise ship quarantined in Japan have tested positive for Covid-19, bringing the total to 355, as three countries say they will fly their citizens on the ship home. It comes as China’s National Health Commission announced the death toll inside the country had risen to 1,665, with 68,500 infections.
But not to worry – Mike Pompeo has been pulled out of his bed of vomit and feces using a system of ropes and he’s on this case.

He’s going to stage a ridiculous Die Hard type rescue operation that will put everyone at risk but might end up making him look like a hero.

Because Mike Pompeo, an obese alleged cannibal pedophile, has lived his whole life by one principle: to the winner goes the victory.
*Cue Jimmy Hendrix “All Along the Watchtower” riff*
A passenger aboard the Diamond Princess cruise ship, which is currently quarantined off the coast of Japan amid a coronavirus outbreak, is speaking out against the United States’ plan to evacuate American passengers.
Matthew Smith, who has been quarantined with his wife since Feb. 5, told Fox News’ Neil Cavuto that he prefers to stay on the cruise ship.
“Our greatest desire at this point is to maintain the quarantine that the Japanese health officials have established,” Smith said, “then get a test for the virus at the end of that quarantine so we can establish with relative certainty that we are not infected and be free to go.
“Unfortunately, the State Department has thrown a monkey wrench into that,” he added.
Approximately 400 Americans and their families on the Diamond Princess will be offered seats on two flights that could arrive at Travis Air Force Base near Sacramento, Calif., as early as Sunday, a CDC official told The Wall Street Journal.
A CDC team will screen passengers and those exhibiting symptoms won’t be allowed on the flights.
Smith, however, said he’s skeptical about the proposed plan.
“I understand getting off the ship to be in another space, but under this circumstance, the offer is we’re going to put you on buses with other people who haven’t completed their quarantines and have not been tested for the virus,” Smith said.
“We’re going to then put you on a plane with all these people and take you back to the United States, and because of the risk you still pose due to that situation we’re going to stick you in another quarantine.”
Smith said he would rather stay put on the Diamond Princess ship. While the ship is “getting a bad rap” for its living conditions, Smith said he is content where he is.
“We have access to the balcony, we are fed well – three times a day along with excess food — they provide all the necessities we need in there,” he said.
I don’t agree with how the Japs did this, but it was smarter than pulling out 400 people at one time and putting them on buses and then a plane. This is just insane and ensures that everyone gets infected. Everyone that can get infected, at least.
More importantly, it vastly increases the chances of people outside of this quarantine getting infected.
The logical thing would have been to roll all of them off the boat immediately into a nearby facility in Japan, that didn’t have the recycled air problem that the inner cabins of Diamond Princess has.
Actually, the logical thing to do would have been to refuse port to the boat and then torpedo it once it was far enough off shore. These people are dangerous and anyway they deserve to die for being the sorts of abominable prole slobs who get on cruise ships in the first place.

Sadly, in current year, very few Japanese people are willing to behave like anime characters.