A Bowl of AIDS for Breakfast: Cheerios Runs Commercial with Faggots Molesting Kidnapped Monkey Child

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
October 13, 2014

Nothing more adorable than the abuse of a child, huh Jew?
Mark Joseph Stern, huh? Nothing more adorable than the abuse of a helpless monkey child, Jew?

As society continues to disintegrate, the overall weirdness is becoming unbearable.  Now, we have faggots with a kidnapped Negress child parading around in commercials for breakfast cereal.  Cheerios has become the first (I think) food to feature faggots with a helpless kidnapped child.

The Jewish media, ever in the process of attempting to become more of a parody of itself, has come out in forced to celebrate how “cute” and “adorable” these sick and bizarre degeneracy is.


How does anyone tolerate this?

The Gay Dads In This Cheerios Commercial Have The Most Beautiful Love Story Gay Dads' Touching Adoption Story Is a Way to Sell You Cheerios

I would say “boycott Cheerios,” but I know you are all low-carb/Paleo already, brothers.

Bowls of useless carbs have always been for faggots and other untermench.  We high-testosterone soldiers of the revolution eat pig for breakfast.