A Statement from the Irish Nationalists of Phoenix Rising

Daily Stormer
January 2, 2016


Along with the above photographs, the following statement was issued to the Daily Stormer by the Irish nationalist group Phoenix Rising.


The Phoenix Rising truthgraf message:


is directed to the following, hereby giving formal notice to the guilty:

To all those in positions of power and influence, as well as the willing advocates who push and support immigration. From multicult Jewish-supremacist globalists like Soros and his co-globalist lackey Irishman Peter Sutherland, to the Jewish-supremacist population-replacement academics like Ronit Lentin, poisoning the whole of establishment Ireland, indoctrinated with her Trinity multicult-indoc course, to the servile Irish multicult politicians, to the business class who prize the multicult production line of wage-slaves and cheap labour, to the multicult churches who dare to call themselves Christian, selling their souls, our race and all of humanity with globalist materialist wares in their efforts to gain numbers and court popularity, to the multicult zealots, preachers, worshippers who forego loyalty to race in favour of fashionable social status scramblings amongst their peers, aping the multicult fashion seen in celebrity trash culture, to the selfish, power-hungry marxist globalist lapdogs and moronic far-left robotic puppets of corrupt capitalism and it’s high-priests Peter Sutherland, Chuck Feeney, George Soros, Wall St, Goldman Sachs and the business class, the far-left lackeys and their rabid immigrant-pushing piety-point collecting, immigrant NGO’s. Finally to the majority of immigrants who came here knowing exactly what they were doing in taking advantage of our charitable and generous Irish nature, who came fully knowing they were here to ride on the back of what our ancestors created, fully cognisant of the increased demand that would arise for our own meagre resources and cunningly aware they were here to claim, take and conquer our people and our land, knowing and using the emotional blackmail stick used to prevent us from resisting invasion, as we have always done in the past. They displayed scant regard for the Irish people and the Irish sick, vulnerable, elderly etc, psychologically traumatised, diminishing the resources and increasing the pressures on our own Irish people in every sphere one cares to mention, for example, jobs, hospital, school and university places, treatment for cancer, drugs rehab, battered women’s refuges, home help etc. Not to mention the murders and rapes of Irish due to immigrants. All the while they have the effrontery to lay their sordid accusations at us and call us racist.

Had we the means and recourse to the normal natural reaction of defence of a nation against invaders, then none of them would ever have been allowed on our territory, they simply would not be here and the treacherous politician and business-class scum with their goading NGO multicult poison whisperers, would have been run out of the country. The majority of immigrant invaders are here without any sovereign mandate of the informed will of the Irish people and are thus violating Irish sovereignty, as are the politicians and all the above multicult enablers. The politicians especially are guilty of treason and deserve the age-old punishment for treason – hanging. The majority of immigrant invaders are thus illegal, guilty of trespass, conquest, invasion and genocide of the Irish people. They and their descendants have no claim to Ireland, any papers to the contrary issued by the illegal multicult-State oppressors, are null and void.

It is all the above who are murdering, maiming, terrorising and traumatising the Irish people, as well as with direct violent actions involving many murders and rapes of Irish people from immigrants, which would otherwise never have occurred without multiculturalism. At the same time they are implementing the future genocide through population-replacement and demographic social pressures, resulting in the annihilation of our precious and rare Gaelic and Celtic race. It is they and they alone who have the guilt of perpetrating this horror and future horror on our people, it is they and they alone who have:


With the issuance of this truthgraf exposing where the blame and guilt lie, in the name of God the Almighty and of the dead generations from which she receives her old tradition of nationhood, Ireland, through us Phoenix Rising, hereby put on notice all those who have deliberately and knowingly supported multiculturalism and mass-immigration invasion, as being the sole authors of death and destruction of both individual Irish people and in the destruction of the Irish gene – the genocide of the Irish people. These immigration-invasion-pushers are solely culpable in the horrific conditions of terror and brutality of the present Irish and future Irish generations who will be a minority and will face many terrors in the years to come.

We hope for a time, when Phoenix Rising can witness the retribution and justice that all such destroyers, genocidalists and terror architects have coming to them. These terror-makers and destroyers of the Irish blood, family, nation and people, should be aware, the Irish spirit and blood is beginning to stir from it’s slumber, the people beginning to question the source of our destruction, that we the inheritor of the Gael and Celtic blood are awakening – there will be consequences to their actions of today and they will be held to account tomorrow.

We will never forgive, we will never forget these vicious despotic destroyers for what they are doing to the Irish people, shackling our hands, opening our gates, allowing in beasts to rape, murder and torture our children, women and men, destroying our culture and race. The Irish will have it out with you, a reckoning is coming.

Phoenix Rising


Tribute Poem to Irish ancestors who sacrificed their lives throughout the millenia and again in 1916. This year 2016 being the Centenary commemoration of that sacred event.

Ar dheis Dé go raibh a n-anamacha


We are of the Ancient White, the Gael, the Celt
the Senior primal proto-Aryan Light.
We are the spirit people that arise from the ashes
Like unto the rising of the raging seas, our blood erupts Vesuvius
Neither man nor spirit, demon nor dragon
None will stop the violent universe of our artful destructive fury,
Provoked by covetous foreign eye and insidious selfish betraying lie
Scourged witness to the suffocating stranglehold of our kind
Behold, the terrible beauty, your neverending agony,
unrelenting passion in the dance for your death
We true Custodians of our race, for them our death we embrace
Such is no cost but honour-sacrifice, ever seeking vengeance in our enemies demise.
Beware you multicult corrupters, usurpers
unleashing the unquenchable divine rage
Your sinful wages of foreign flood, to desecrate our blood
Your craft of desolating plunder, our spirit to sunder
Attacking our family, our nation, our race
your designs to lay us waste, exposed the multicult grace,
eradicate our memory, eviscerate our story,
to poison and holocaust us to our ancestral core.
Harken then, globalist destroyers but a moment
Amid the frantic mirth of your wreckage, the portents of your coming torment
You stir a timeless behemoth, awakening a deep and ancient power
An unstoppable, immoveable, incorruptible source
Intrinsic of creation and the Most High God, the lifeforce in every cell, soul and hour
You awaken the relentless ferocious love, a wrath beyond time, history, myth and lore
An infinite passion of selfless offering, loyalty our honour, enduring no other
We the zealous Guardians, the truepath pedigree, birthright ancestral inheritor
The Protectors of untameable kindred desire, our spiritsouls dripping wrathfire
Before no foe, shall our head be bowed or our knee be knelt
In us, the last true keepers of Ireland’s past, present, future dwelt
We are the proto-Aryan, We are the risen BloodCelt
We the heart, mind, soulspirit of God’s Éireann temple
Proclaim anew
We are the Irish, the Phoenix People.

Phoenix Rising