Actress Who Chopped Her Tits Off Narrates Nature Documentary About Faggot and Tranny Animals

Murder, rape, and cannibalism are all much more common among animals than faggotry and “changing sex” is.

Many animals eat their own infants.

Why aren’t we legalizing those as well?

If something is fine because animals do it, why pick and choose?


Transgender star Elliot Page, formerly actress Ellen Page, is narrating a new documentary about gay and transgender animals — the second gay-themed nature doc to come along in less than a year.

Second Nature explores what the filmmakers call the “the 1500+ animal species who engage in same-sex sexual behavior and parenting, change sex, form matriarchies, and more.” The documentary also “debunks harmful myths about sex and gender.”

The doc’s cast of talking-head scientists is comprised entirely of “female, BIPOC, queer, and immigrant,” according to the official site. Among the movie’s subjects is Dr. Joan Roughgarden, a transgender ecologist and evolutionary biologist.

If humans were even half as based as sea otters, this poor crazy bitch wouldn’t have chopped her tits off

The site includes a link to lesson plans aimed at school-age children, with a focus on something called “gender inclusive biology.”

The documentary doesn’t appear to have a distributor yet. There will be a sneak peek screening on June 23 in San Francisco at the Frameline Film Festival — the oldest gay film festival in the world.

As Breitbart News reported, NBCUniversal’s Peacock recently launched the documentary series Queer Planet, which covers similar ground, focusing on gay and transgender behavior in the animal kingdom.

It’s a really weird argument to be making – “we should act like animals.”

I guess people are into this sort of thing.