Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
November 18, 2015

Well, the racist media is at it again, attacking a confirmed magical Negro and calling him stupid for thinking China is at war with Syria.
Some advisers to Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson say he is struggling to grasp the complexities of foreign policy, his closest confidant said Tuesday, acknowledging their frustration while adding the political newcomer is making progress.
“I’d say he’s 75 percent of the way there,” said Armstrong Williams, Carson’s longtime business manager. “The world is a complex place, and he wants to get it right.”
Williams is also Black.
A story published Tuesday by The New York Times quoted one of Carson’s advisers as saying the retired neurosurgeon, who is making his first run for public office, is having trouble understanding foreign policy despite intense briefings on the subject.
Wow, racism much?
Just because he doesn’t understand doesn’t mean you should say he doesn’t understand. When Blacks get confused you’re just supposed to say whatever they’re confused about is racist. Not doing that means you are the racist.
“Nobody has been able to sit down with him and have him get one iota of intelligent information about the Middle East,” Duane R. Clarridge, a former CIA official, told the newspaper. Clarridge added that Carson needs weekly conference calls to brief him on foreign policy, so “we can make him smart.”
Clarridge is a White racist. How dare he say a Black can’t understand something? Maybe he just understands it differently. There are different types of intelligence and Carson’s low IQ doesn’t mean he’s not smarter than all Whites.

I can’t even believe what I’m reading here.
smdh in current year, should be against the law for the media to say a Black person can’t understand something.
The Carson campaign reacted swiftly to the Times’ story, casting Clarridge in a statement as “an elderly gentleman” who isn’t part of Carson’s inner circle.
But Williams, who has no official role with Carson’ campaign but regularly talks to the candidate, acknowledged in an interview with The Associated Press that advisers beyond Clarridge are distressed at the pace of Carson’s progress.
Williams estimates Carson has been spending “40 percent of his time” in foreign policy briefings in recent weeks.
The other 60% of his time he spends smoking crack with prostitutes.
Carson recently mistakenly suggested that China is militarily engaged in the Syrian civil war and offered sometimes meandering answers in an interview with Fox News Sunday host Chris Wallace a few days after the Paris attacks.