Afghan Women Organize Summit in Albania to Decide Set of Demands for International Community

Why is Albania allowing this?

Albania is an Islamic country, isn’t it?

(It’s not really, but it’s supposed to be.)

The Guardian:

More than 130 Afghan women have gathered in Albania at an All Afghan Women summit, in an attempt to develop a united voice representing the women and girls of Afghanistan in the fight against the ongoing assault on human rights by the Taliban.

Some women who attempted to reach the summit from inside Afghanistan were prevented from travelling, pulled off flights in Pakistan or stopped at borders. Other women have travelled from countries including Iran, Canada, the UK and the US where they are living as refugees.

The summit, which has been two years in the making, is being hosted by the Albanian government in Tirana after multiple other governments across the region refused, said the organisers.

The summit comes a few weeks after the Taliban published new “vice and virtue” laws that banned women’s voices being heard in public and made it mandatory for women to completely cover their bodies outside the home.

At the end of the three-day summit, the organisers hope to publish a set of demands or guidelines for the international community that sets out how Afghan women want to respond to the systematic attack on their rights and freedom by the Taliban.

These women should be punished when they go home.

This is revolutionary material.

Please note that they never thought of doing this before America invaded and occupied the country.

America’s main strategy in their social engineering program to try to destroy the traditional culture of the Pashtuns was to promote women’s liberation.