Afghani Starving Child Refugee Rapes and Drowns EU Official’s Daughter – Merkel Condemned by German Police

Joe Jones
Daily Stormer
September 6, 2017

Starving child Hussein Khavari.

Let’s look on the bright side here.

EU officials are now being affected by vibrancy and Merkel looks worse and worse to the German people, and the Germans are getting angry.

Daily Mail:

An asylum seeker accused of raping and murdering an EU official’s daughter attacked her to satisfy his ‘sexual urges’ before leaving her unconscious in a river to drown, a court heard.

Hussein Khavari, 22, who claims to be from Afghanistan has been accused of ambushing Maria Ladenburger, 19, as she cycled home after a party, raping her and then drowning her in Freiburg, Germany last October.

He was linked through his DNA to medical student Maria, who volunteered at various shelters that house migrants in her spare time in Freiburg.

Pictures emerged this morning of Khavari shackled in chains arriving at a district court in the university city for the high profile case, that has shocked the country and reignited tensions over its liberal asylum policy.

The killing sparked frenzied new waves of hatred and fear of refugees. The boss of the country’s police union said her death would have been prevented had the open door asylum-seeker policy of Chancellor Angela Merkel been less lax.

Things are not looking up for Merkel at this point, what with all the “MERKEL MUSS WEG” signs and now the head of the German police union condemning her.

“You will lose the war against your own people!” Not sure about you, but I smell the faint aroma of ethnic pride here…

The anti-immigrant Alternative for Germany (AfD) party was to piggyback on the killer’s arrest to highlight what it says are the dangers of unregulated immigration. It calls Maria a ‘victim of Merkel’s welcome culture.’

Maria Ladenburger.