After Pepe Post, Daily Stormer Endorses Wendy’s as the Official Fast Food Chain of the Alt-Right

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 4, 2017

Wendy’s was always my personal favorite burger joint, but I never would have declared it the official burger of the Neo-Nazi Alt-Right movement – until now.

This morning, Wendy’s tweeted a Wendy Pepe after having been asked about what sort of memes it has.

Of course, they promptly deleted the ULTRA RARE image when they were confronted by the evil kikes, and were all like “bro we didn’t know.”

Note that this is not an apology.

And of course, everyone knows that Pepe is a Nazi frog. The entirety of 2016 was spent talking about this frog, as he was declared a “hate symbol” by the Christ-killers at the Anti-Defamation League.

This was a frog whistle, straight up. And we need to embrace them for it.

It is fitting. Wendy’s was founded in my hometown of Columbus, Ohio. As a boy, I used to eat at the first Wendy’s every year when we would go on a class trip to the city science museum, COSI (Columbus Ohio Science Institute), which was located directly across the street.

At the time, twenty years ago, they still had the original wood paneling on the inside.

As I’m taking a public trip down memory lane here on this Nazi website, I might as well also post the picture of how COSI looked as a kid – you can see Wendy’s zero directly across the street.

These days, I try to keep my diet paleo, but of course you have the occassional off day and grab a burger. I always go to Wendy’s on such days, not simply due to happy childhood memories, but because it is simply the best burger.

Even on days when I am keeping to my diet I will eat here sometimes, and just order a couple Baconators without cheese and mayonnaise and toss the bun. The meat is extremely high quality. McDonald’s, on the other hand, is total crap meat. They say pink slime is a hoax, but I actually still believe in it.

As companies continue to send signals to the Alt-Right, I will continue to endorse them.

Previously, I have endorsed New Balance shoes, and most Nazis are wearing them these days.