American Medical Association Says BMI is Bad Because It’s Racist or Something

Black bitches have a right to be fat!

Stop talking out against it, bigot!

Daily Caller:

The American Medical Association (AMA) voted last week to recommend against using body mass index (BMI) as the sole measure for healthy body weight partly due to its alleged “racist” past.

The organization claimed that BMI had caused “historical harm” and has been used for “racist exclusion,” according to the AMA’s website. They also said that relative body shape is important to consider “across race and ethnic groups, sexes, genders,” and that BMI has a history of being used in relation to eugenics, arguing that medical professionals should consider not using BMI as the sole measurement of healthy weight.

BMI is a measure of body health that uses height and weight to calculate a number that determines if an individual is underweight, a healthy weight, overweight or obese, according to WebMD.

“BMI does not appropriately represent racial and ethnic minorities,” the AMA wrote.

Hispanics and blacks had higher risks of diabetes than whites, and Asians are more likely to suffer from diabetes with smaller weight gains than other racial groups, according to the AMA’s Council on Science and Public Health.

The organization recommended that physicians take other factors into consideration, such as a person’s height-to-weight ratio, visceral fat measurements, their percentage of muscle, fat, and bone and other metabolic factors, according to the AMA’s website. The association’s website also argues that BMI “loses predictability when applied on the individual level.”

Standard BMI measurement practices literally do lose predictability and in fact all fidelity when applied to some individuals, given that they can show someone who is jacked up on roids is obese. However, if done correctly – or even if done the sloppy way on a normal person – BMI tests just say how fat you are.

It’s possible that blacks are biologically inclined to carry significantly more fat than whites. If that’s what’s being argued here, I can probably go along with it.

We don’t have images of ancient Europeans looking like this:

That’s called “steatopygia,” and some black women still have this genetic trait.

I don’t know if it is healthy or not, or what the deal is.

But yeah, whatever.


I don’t really care if black women are fat.