January 4, 2014

The hearing on the motion for summary judgement against Daryl Lamont Jenkins [DLJ] is scheduled for tomorrow at 9:00 am. DLJ is one of two people sued for tortious interference that including threats of violence against hotel employees. This will hopefully conclude the civil lawsuit. The other person who was sued, Jeffrey Imm, settled out of court over two years ago.
DLJ is not expected to show up for his hearing and he is presently agitating against the 2014 Amren Conference on his blog. DLJ was also part of a group of protesters at the 2013 Amren Conference. During that protests they waved communist flags and two people held signs advocating murder.
DLJ has been publicly supported by the Southern Poverty Law Center [SPLC], the Brecht Forum, and other militant left-wing groups.
On December 3, 2013, a lawyer for David Yeagley filed a motion for summary judgement against Daryl Lamont Jenkins [DLJ] for tortious interference with a contract. Yeagley was scheduled to speak at the conference.
Yeagley is asking for a judgement of $50,000. Another defendant, Jeffery Imm, has already settled out of court.
The lawsuit holds that DLJ organized the harassment of hotel employees to get the 2010 American Renaissance Conference in Washington, DC cancelled.
The lawsuit was originally filed on August 8th, 2011. On October 2, 2012, DLJ publicly claimed responsibility for “shutting down” the American Renaissance conference at Towson University. This claim was made during a speaking engagement by Jared Taylor. His statement was captured on video. (Watch on youtube, statement made at the 55:45 minute mark.)
DLJ is a Philadelphia based leader for a loose international network of violent Marxist gangs known as “anti-fa.” The network also goes by the names “Anti-Racist Action” in the United States. DLJ also has a website called “One People’s Project,” which has a long history of encouraging and glorifying violence. The logo for the DLJ’s website is a man holding an upside down, burning American flag.
“Antifa/Anti-Racist Action” was recognized as a criminal gang in Cook County (Chicago, IL) after members attacked a restaurant and assaulted people at random in 2012.