Ann Coulter: “How Many F—ing Jews do These People Think There are in the United States?”

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
September 17, 2015

It’s happening.

They said it wouldn’t happen.

But it is absolutely happening.

There is a wing of the GOP which is going to launch a full-on rebellion against the Christ-killing kikes.

During last night’s debate, every candidate besides Trump was obsessive-compulsively shilling for Jews and Israel, and Queen Ann responded with fury, in such a way that no single “conservative” media figure since Pat Buchanan has ever done.

She tweeted: “How many f—ing Jews do these people think there are in the United States?”

In other words: “You people are all shilling for the Jews. This is America, not Israel. This is a White country, and it belongs to us, not some Middle Eastern parasite.”

She has previously shilled for Israel, but was clearly paying only lip-service, knowing how the game is played. But eventually, you just can’t take it anymore.

Did she just collapse her career?

Well, she’s not going to be back on Fox or CNN any time soon, I can tell you that.

I pray to God she doesn’t apologize. And she hasn’t yet.

The importance of what she did cannot be quantified.

She just singled that the party is over.

The goyim know.

This country is ours.

It is not their’s.

And we will fight for it.

Hail Queen Ann, Defender of the European People and Protector of the White Race.

Hail Victory.