Another Lawsuit Claims That Google Infiltrated by Nepotistic New Age Apocalypse Cult

It’s all so tiresome.

The Sun:

Google has been accused of employing a large number of people belonging to an unusual religious group in California.

The Fellowship of Friends is a group that believes most of us are living in a state of “waking sleep.”

Robert Earl Burton, the group’s founder

According to The New York Times, the Fellowship of Friends is a “cult-like religious sect” that’s infiltrated Google.

The group has reportedly gained a powerful position at the tech giant and has started to hire more members of the “cult-like sect”.

Yeah, I wonder why goyim would need to act like that?

The New York Times says the takeover has been happening for years.

A former employee is now said to be suing over the situation.

Former Google employee Kevin Lloyd told the NYT: “Once you become aware of this, you become responsible.”

That’s why Lloyd is putting a legal case against Google.

He’s using a lawyer that won $6.5 million for a client who claimed she hadn’t been promoted because she wasn’t a member of the Fellowship of Friends.

It’s unclear how many Google employees are actually members of the Fellowship.

The group is also known as Living Presence and the Fourth Way School.

It has faced multiple damning accusations in the past and the new lawsuit accuses it of having a history of sex trafficking.

The Fellowship was founded by Robert Earl Burton in 1970.

He predicted that civilization is doomed and his group aims to form a new civilization after the one we know now is over.

The Society of Friends is yet another cult based on the teachings of Greek-Russian (or Russian-Greek?) George Gurdjieff, who is a new age guru who basically preached the religion from Star Wars. If Gurdjieff was a Jedi, then Helena Blavatsky and Aleister Crowley would be the Sith.

Gurdjieff had a cool personal aesthetic.

But it’s really just convoluted self-help gibberish.

Probably at least 40% of new age cults are based on Gurdjieff. It’s a mix of spiritualism and Jungian psychology (which was in itself spiritualist) with various forms of Eastern mysticism. Anyway, whatever – you can go look it up if you care.

The bottom line here, and the relationship to Google, is that these cults all now view transhumanism as “the great awakening of the new man.” They believe that the melding of man and machine will lead to spiritual perfection. Hence, this cult as well as others that are related – including Scientology – appeal to intelligent nerds.

The second thing that has to be taken into account here is that virtually all industry in the United States is run by Jews, who use nepotism as their main vehicle of operation – they hire other Jews and do deals with other Jews and very often (though not always) openly or secretly cooperate with Jews who are supposed to be competitors. Christian groups (aside from the Mormons and the Jesuits) refuse to behave like this, so these cults serve as a way for normal white people to compete with the Jews at their own game.

So, there is a combination of:

  • The Nietzsche crisis (not a real crisis but okay)
  • The Jewish crisis (definitely a real crisis)
  • The inability of intelligent people to accept the stupid pseudo-religious secularist/utilitarian worldview of “human rights anal democracy”
  • Technological utopianism

Whether they are members of the Fellowship of Friends or some related cult or not, most people in Silicon Valley believe in some form of post-Christian/apocalypse/new man/transhumanist/techno-utopianism ideology.

The bottom line is that Christian leaders failed. Christianity answers every question that man has about his place in the universe, and it does it well, in a way that could mesh as well with a technological society as it meshed with an agrarian society if it was actually followed and promoted aggressively by the leadership of the churches.

These cults are probably viewed as some degree of a threat by the Jews, but a united Christendom would force the Jews to go back and live with their close historical friends the Moslems, who Jews were aligned with against Christians for over 1,000 years.

That’s a whole other issue, but one that needs mentioned: if the current brand of Christianity is right about Jews being good, they need to admit that Christians were wrong through virtually all of history, and the Moslems were right. In fact, Jews still openly prefer Moslems to Christians, so John Hagee should logically convert to Islam.


It’s all just so much noise.