Another WOMP WOMP Casuality: Estonian Ambassador Resigns

Roy Batty
Daily Stormer
July 1, 2018

They put the WOMP on him.

No one is going to care that this guy is gone.



The US ambassador to Estonia is resigning, reportedly in frustration at remarks made by President Donald Trump about America’s European allies.

Sticks and stones, man. Sticks and stones. But whatever, you were dead weight to the America First agenda anyway.

James D Melville said Mr Trump’s comments on Nato and the EU had brought forward his decision to retire, Foreign Policy magazine reports.

The magazine was quoting from a private Facebook post by the envoy.

Mr Trump accuses Europeans of unfairly expecting America to shoulder the costs of the Nato alliance.

He has also imposed trade tariffs on some EU industries.

Other US diplomats left their posts early in recent months:

One question though, is the same guy who presided over the multiculti garbage being pumped into young Estonian girls’ minds?

Remember the Wikileaks leak?


Discussion in Estonia about tolerance and integration has focused mainly on the cultural and linguistic divide between the Estonian and Russian communities. Looking forward, the GOE intends to broaden its Integration Action Plan to include initiatives designed to address integration of new, and non-European, arrivals. The timing is auspicious. In the wake of several racially-motivated incidents involving Embassy staff and the wider diplomatic community, on March 2 the Ambassador initiated a Tolerance Action Plan to raise awareness and sensitivity with GOE officials, law enforcement, academics, NGOs, and with the Estonian public. On June 6 the issue gained prominence when Dutch Ambassador Hans Glaubitz reported to the press that he was leaving Estonia due to racist and homophobic incidents against his African- Cuban partner. End Summary.

It goes on to continue listing the plan to diversify Estonia.

Whatever, I don’t think the dates match. This FUCKING WHITE MALE seems to have joined only three years ago.

And he looks like he falls asleep on the job a lot.

But what does he think he’s accomplishing by rage-quitting like this? Being an Ambassador is the easiest job in the world.

You just go to meets and greets, your job is to shake hands with people’s name you can’t pronounce, eat free delicious ethnic food and sleep with hookers.

Riga, but whatever. 

Why would you throw that away over muh Drumpf?

Sad. Just sad.

Is there some government in exile that he can join? I guess there is, and it’s in Washington, DC, just plotting to take back control. These political figures making a big hullabaloo about Trump are just trying to prove their PC credentials so that they get a new position if Trump gets definitively swamped.

Hard to imagine anyone actually getting that peeved over Trump shitting on the EU.

That’s about as American as it gets.

Say it with me:


