Anti-Australians Buried in Bendigo Blitz

Australia First Party
Daily Stormer
October 11, 2015

Blair Cottrell of the UPF proves that White man is both an athlete and a poet
Blair Cottrell of the UPF proves that White man is both an athlete and a poet

The nit-infested urban-scunge who hate Australia and support the killing of a police worker by the Iraqi terror teen in Sydney were washed out of Bendigo on a wave of pro-Aussie fervour and it was probably the first wash they’d had in ages.

Victories do not come much bigger than what the United Patriots Front and their supporters experienced on the second tour of Bendigo against council corruption and the building of a mosque that augers the forced integration of the predominantly Anglo community with an influx of bloodthirsty middle-eastern beheaders.

It was a win to echo the time Australia clinched the America’s Cup in 1983. Crowd estimates are all over the shop, from 600 to 2000. Meanwhile, on the side of the rally that distinctly carried the whiff of body odour and crushing defeat, the extreme leftist retards only managed a pitiful 50 or so comical losers; and most of them had trouble reading the name ‘Bendigo’ on the train map because they don’t know how to spell it.

Police presence was massive, and it is worth contemplating the situation of the police. Here they were, defending the peace, but arguably protecting those Moslems who wish to shoot them and cut their throats. And the leftist detritus have been openly defending 15-year-old killer Fahad Kahlil Mohammad Jabar on pages such as Slackbastard. How can they do that? They seem to believe, in their immature fascination with delinquent political causes, that the hateful invader child had some rights because the police had the gall to actually raid the homes of those who’ve threatened the state.

Obviously, the garbage that pores over the political snuff-porn on that treasonous page are so maladjusted mentally and socially that this to them is a justifiable cause. It is unreasonable for the police to pick on an ethnic group who only want to kill us and take over the country that they so openly despise.

A mosque in Bendigo would make these beaut Aussie sheilas rape victims
A mosque in Bendigo would make these beaut Aussie sheilas rape victims

And it was in solidarity with the murdered police worker Curtis Cheng that much of the Bendigo crowd could be spotted sporting blue armbands.

Meanwhile, Aussie flags and patriotic flags of all descriptions gently fluttered in the warm October spring air; brandished proudly by supporters who — despite the predictable lies published in the sore-loser liberal media such as The Age — were predominantly locals.

Yet, they did also come from far and wide, and that is nothing to condemn, as the scurrilous logic of pee-pee communist Victorian premier Daniel Andrews would have you believe, but an affirmation that Australians ARE united.

A small contingent came from Penrith, an area where Australia First are engaged with the community in an ongoing battle against another mosque. Australia First Party members, including the South Australian chairman arrived from SA and Victoria to bolster the spirit and hand out the few leaflets they had available.

Far from being the “rabble” that the premier and the multicult mafia were typecasting them, the crowd consisted of a fantastic demographic cross-section of the young, the old, and the in-between — those who “couldn’t spell Bendigo” — but nearly all genuine, fair-dinkum, no wukkas, GST-paying locals.
Given the size of the rally, and the high quotient of locals, the matter of the mosque being granted permission to be built must now more seriously be questioned.

On the security front, any antifa acts of terror were thwarted from happening by young locals who took it upon themselves to patrol the neighbourhood and keep visitors safe from anarchist violence, so a big ‘thanks’ must go out to them.

Finally, after media and council whingeing about the aborted “wine festival” and lost revenue, the UPF, locals, supporters all poured in to local establishments for celebratory drinks and lunch and pumped good Aussie dollars into the local economy.

And Now for the Critical Part

Sadly, it is at this juncture that the bonhomie ceases and is replaced by disappointment for nationalists who have long thrown their weight of endorsement behind the United Patriots Front.

As the speeches got underway, the line being touted by Blair Cottrell was the same old song of assimilation, and not the liberated message of nationalist vision to which he seems so awakened to. This “as long as they assimilate” argument is a rhetorical lost-cause because, aside from the inherent illogic of suggesting a multicultural state could be fine if it made one exception on the grounds of ethnicity, it forgives the other nine tenths of incompatible races happily recreating Oz.

Yep, even horses has Moslems. And Jews
Yep, even police horses hate Moslems. And Jews

The civic route makes no mention of the current globalist Asianisation of this nation, or the vast settlement of Indians who are also culturally transforming us. It fails to highlight the innate contradictions of diversity. It becomes a greasy and transparent attempt to curry favour with a majority based on a message of inclusivity with one exception — Moslems.

Jim Saleam has never been asked to speak at a UPF rally, and yet there is no person in this country, and few in the world, as wise to the narrative that accompanies the mosque and is at the core of the Bendigo movement.

Instead, they slap the back of, and welcome aboard Danny Nalliah, a foreign invader with a bizarre agenda and an equally freakish story.

This human pretzel believes he has resurrected people from the dead and has a divine hotline to the big cheese up in the sky. His “ministries of fire” church has recently had a large number of Jewish visitors, among them a contingent from America. Frankly, given how tight Danny is with the good lord, it’s a wonder there was ever a need for a rally: he could simply have asked the almighty for a personal favour, seeing as how they’re on such intimate terms.

Danny Nalliah is representative of the problem, not the solution. It was offensive enough seeing that little pappadam working the crowd at Sydney’s last Reclaim rally, but to hear him lead the “Aussie Aussie Aussie” chant just brought bile to this author’s throat.

The man is NOT an Australian. He is an example of what an Australian is NOT. And for one who goes on about such a batshit religion as Islam, his own beliefs are right up there with the high hocus of gobbledygook.

Bendigo is over, and the question for UPF is, what is next? Will Danny Nalliah’s image be removed from their FB cover photo? Will they go down the Hanson/Folkes/Liberty Alliance path all the way to Jerusalem, or will they unite with those who have the more politically unpopular truth to disseminate — that you cannot make friends with non-Australians to promote a unified Australia; especially when they are African.

The Australia First Party hopes for solidarity, but so far the hand of friendship has only been extended to those which the party has demonstrated time and again through argument and reason is at the forefront of killing the struggle through “assimilation”.

The liberal party’s far-right sits back and rubs its hands when scenes like this happen. Once a seemingly potent force for nationalist good is compromised and co-opted into a harmless satellite, that’s when the conservative vultures swoop.

Let’s hope the UPF are not going to make that mistake. The AFP sure aren’t about to: we have NEVER compromised our ideals under the illusion that playing with these koshers is somehow adding to our political traction.

Only true nationalists need apply.

Spirit of Eureka!
Spirit of Eureka!