Anti-Jew, Anti-Clinton Researcher Victor Thorn is Dead

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
August 6, 2016



Victor Thorn (Scott Makufka), who wrote for the American Free Press, died on Monday, August 1st, apparently having killed himself. It was his 54th birthday.

I was told of this when it happened, but waited to write about it as I’d hoped there would be more information. Five days later, there isn’t any.

Victor was the author of a book on the Holocaust hoax, which I highly recommend, as well as a series of books on the Clintons (which I haven’t read but have heard good things about), Hillary (And Bill): The Sex Volume, Hillary (And Bill): The Drugs Volume, and Hillary (And Bill): The Murder Volume, along with Crowning Clinton: Why Hillary Shouldn’t Be in the White House. All of these are available in the AFP bookstore.


Although Thorn was much more conspiracy-oriented than I am personally, his Clinton series wasn’t about “theories,” and was extremely well-researched. Roger Stone, Donald Trump’s former campaign manager, dedicated his own book on the Clintons to Victor Thorn after having relied heavily on his research.

It’s certainly possible Victor could have killed himself. It’s possible anyone can do this. I talked to Victor on the phone just a few weeks ago, and he seemed perfectly normal, but of course, most people who deal with depression do a pretty good job of covering it up.

At the same time though, he was especially hopeful-seeming, due to the Trump phenomenon and various other happenings which are good for our race.

And people who criticize the Clintons have a tendency to turn up dead.

It’s a very suspicious situation.

The APF interviewed Victor’s brother, who doesn’t feel there is anything fishy going on.
