Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
October 18, 2013

A billboard which reads “Anti-Racist is a Code Word for Anti-White” was put up on Tuesday in the Arkansas town of Harrison, along a heavy-traffic highway.
The media is flipping out, of course. Because when White people stand up for themselves – or make any statement which indicates they believe they have a right to exist – it is racism.
From the AP:
A radio station with an advertisement on an adjacent panel asked that its sign be removed so no one would think that it was connected to the white supremacist sentiment.
“I think this is awful,” Harrison Mayor Jeff Crockett told the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette newspaper of Little Rock. “It does not represent the people of Harrison’s attitude or the way they feel about any races. I think we’re welcoming to all. It’s trying to represent a false image of the way Harrison is.”
The Harrison Daily Times carried three stories about the sign on its front page Thursday, noting the criticism, protests and the sign owner’s explanation for erecting the sign.
“Regardless of the opinion a person holds, or what I think about that opinion, I believe he or she has a right to express it,” said Claude West, the owner of the Harrison Sign Co.
West said the 12-by-24-foot billboard is being rented for $200 a month for a year.
Harrison Area Chamber of Commerce President Patty Methvin says the community is dismayed by the sign — and that residents overwhelmingly disapprove of the sign’s message. She says Harrison’s Community Task Force on Race Relations is considering a “Love Thy Neighbor” campaign in response.
“This could be our call to arms,” Methvin told the Harrison paper.
Handbills distributed through town call on people to gather and protest at the billboard company headquarters and along the Harrison Bypass, which carries U.S. 62-65 around downtown. State figures show that about 10,000 vehicles travel the bypass daily.
More like this, please.
There is a video report here.