Antifa is a Religion of Peace

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
November 20, 2016


srsly freedom of speech in current year? oy vey goyim shut it down.

Yesterday at the NPI conference in DC, “anti-fascist” protesters harassed and physically assaulted attendees for holding views different than those accepted by the mainstream of society and promoted by the government.

It’s a strange worldview they have, these antifa. They apparently view themselves as rebels, while operating as a type of faggy street gang that goes around enforcing the views of the elite corporate/financial/cultural establishment through mob violence.

Note: this videos are better if you listen to this song in the background (for Tila <3).

Here they are mob-attacking an attendee.

Here they are harassing and spraying some sort of liquid on Emily Youcis.

Here’s their little march against freedom of speech.

And here they are doing a dance outside of a restaurant where attendees were eating.

It must be a difficult identity to hold together – being both “edgy” and “hip” and “down,” while also openly shilling for the elite ruling class and claiming anyone who disagrees with the establishment should be silenced through violence.

Apparently, their reasoning is that having beliefs different from those promoted by the media and the education system is “a form of violence,” so it is actually peaceful to use violence against people with dissenting beliefs.

