Antifa Leader BG Kumbi’s OJ Video Taken Down for Hatespeech

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
July 22, 2017

The new national leader of Antifa, BG Kumbi, had his OJ Simpson video I reported on yesterday taken down for hatespeech.

I’m a little bit upset about this, as it simply plays into the narrative that Antifa are “rebels” fighting against the system. In reality, they are the system. Tools for the globalist Jew establishment and shills for Islam and the Chinese.

Sure, he did say that OJ Simpson was going to go around on the streets killing rich white people, but that is a position that is endorsed by the system – obviously it is endorsed by the system, or he would have gotten convicted of murder for killing his wife and that Jew Goldman.

I don’t know if you guys reported him or what, but in the future, don’t – these people just show their own stupidity in their videos anyway, they’re not a threat to us, and now I guess YouTube Jews are trying to “crackdown” on anti-white hate speech so that they look like they’re not just out to destroy white people.

I’m sure The Young Turks were saying the same thing about how OJ should kill more whites now that he’s out, but they’re not getting shut down because they’re too big.

By the way, word on the street is that BG Kumbi is a fakeass bitch, and he’s scared to show up in Charlottesville. He can talk a big talk on Fox News, but I’ll bet he’s too much of a pussy to show up and really “smash the fash” like he keeps saying he’s going to do.

BG Kumbi never even smashed the vag, I don’t know how he thinks he’s gonna smash the fash, pussy ass skinny bitchass punk.

So far, he hasn’t even mentioned Charlottesville in any of his videos, even though he’s supposed to be the leader of national antifa.


Start making your preparations for Charlottesville NOW. Get together with your local book club and get vans and cars and whatever else. We want this to be the Woodstock of the Alt-Right. This is the SUMMER OF HATE.

I want every single reader there. You have a duty.

If you are really so broke you can’t pool money to rent a van, I’m gonna try to help you out then post the pictures of the receipts and solicit donations to cover it. I’ve just gotta think a bit more about how that is gonna work. But I’m willing to use site money to help get people there, then hope donors help cover it.