AOC Gets Herself Involved in This Tranny Stuff…

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
July 9, 2019

So much for AOC being an old school communist.

Everyone’s gotta get themselves involved in this weirdo pedophile stuff these days.

Can’t have old fashioned communism anymore.


Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) made an appearance at an NYC drag show over the weekend and delivered a message to the enthusiastic crowd alongside performer Joey Arias, telling them they are “beautiful” and “accepted.”

The New York lawmaker was spotted at the drag show Bartschland Follies at the McKittrick Hotel. She briefly stood on stage and said a few words: “Be who you are. You are beautiful. You are accepted.”

Arias posted a video of the moment to his nearly 16k Instagram followers Monday.

“Alexandria O.Cortez and myself at BARTSCHLAND FOLLIES! I was gagging! She’s Amaxing [sic]! The place went wild! Chanting her name!” Arias exclaimed.

The freshman Democrat also posed alongside drag king Murray Hill, who performed in the show. Hill said Ocasio-Cortez brought “hope” to the room and gave them a glimpse of America’s future.

“I’m standing next to a future president!” Hill exclaimed on Instagram.

Yeah… yeah, she likely is the future president.

Which is why I was hoping she would steer clear of the hardcore tranny stuff, and just stick to respectable old school hammer and sickle “kill rich people” communism.

So much for that.

Nancy Pelosi fits much better into this scene.

Trannies are the ultimate “neoliberal” cause célèbre, because they have absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with traditional communist class struggle. They are the ultimate bourgeoisie, playing a game where they’re oppressed by society, and the safest bet for people who want to look like they support the downtrodden but are actually shills for the elite establishment.

You can’t support trannies and slaughtering the rich.

Not gonna happen.

Trannies cannot exist without the capitalist structure.