Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 2, 2015

This week the Huffington Post published an essay by a teenage dyke that calls itself “Casey Hoke.” She believes she is a male because our Jewed-out society has told her it is her choice to do so. The rambling article is in response to a proposed law in Kentucky which would bar gender-confused individuals from using the bathrooms of the opposite sex. This sick woman is already using the boys restroom, and demands she be allowed to continue engaging in this perverse behavior.
From the article, entitled “I’m a Transgender Teen and Which Restroom I Use Is None of Your Business“:
To give a student perspective on this situation: The only private restroom space in my own school building is set away from general classroom areas and separated by two floors from most of my classes. The two minutes I take out of changing classes or instructional time for going about my business would turn into a longer period, taking a chunk out of my academic and social time. And along with that — it would create embarrassment and less affirmation for my gender. While assigned female at birth, I identify as male, express this identity and go along with my day as any other guy. The prospect of having to go out of the way to take special action due to private anatomy (hence the word “private”) is segregation.
In my educated opinion, Kentucky lawmakers are giving way too much ground in introducing a law which tacitly endorses the delusions of these sick homosexual weirdos. The obvious solution to the tranny bathroom crisis is to round-up trannies and put them in internment camps where they can live out their lives in peace without disrupting the established social order.

The appeal for the faggots themselves is obvious: they will no longer have to face the oppression of people who hate them and wish they did not exist. They can instead live in total peace, in a paradise of utterly deranged faggotry, in full view of the scenic mountains.

The only reason that these faggots would refuse going to the camp is if their entire goal is to purposefully disrupt the lives of normal people. Otherwise, these camps are a dream come true.
I hereby call on senators and whoever else to begin lobbying for legislation which will establish internment camps for transgenders and other sick faggots, so that we normal may continue on living as we wish to live while they are able to experience complete sickness all around them in a barbwire-enclosed concentration camp.