Armageddon and the Coming of a Charismatic Savior

Max Musson
Western Spring
November 20, 2014


The belief that our current political and economic system is coming to an inevitable end has long been held, as has the belief that when that end finally comes it will be cataclysmic and will present we nationalists with the once in a lifetime opportunity to sweep away all that is corrupt and create a new and just society in it’s place.

This belief is not only common among nationalists however, as the inevitable end of the capitalist system was preached by Karl Marx. Christian fundamentalists have also foretold the coming ‘End Time’ in which mankind’s misrule will bring about a period of great tribulation in which “no flesh will be saved” but that of the ‘elect’ and following which the Kingdom of God will be established on Earth (Matthew 24:21-22).

Earlier still our Pagan ancestors believed in Ragnarök, a series of future events: including a great battle foretold to ultimately result in the death of a number of major figures including several of the gods; the occurrence of various natural disasters, and the subsequent submersion of the world under water. Afterwards, the world will resurface anew and fertile, the surviving and returning gods will meet, and the world will be repopulated by two human survivors.

Indeed there are clear parallels between the legend of Ragnarök, the Biblical story of the Great Flood and the coming Armageddon.

People living under a system of hardship and oppression have always sought hope in such stories and the belief that the flames of destruction will purify the earth and enable a new, clean and wholesome world to emerge thereafter.

Invariably such notions are also accompanied by the belief that an heroic, semi-Godlike saviour figure will emerge at a critical moment to lead the faithful to triumph, to safety and salvation, and to this end many nationalists today look around them at the mere mortals they have as comrades and despair that there appears to be no great, charismatic leader ready to show us the way forward.

Ukraine revolution.

Such beliefs however, are not beliefs befitting a race of people who aspire to forge their own destiny. They are beliefs that may have once played a part in giving hope to the poor, to the uneducated and the powerless, for whom hope of a better time was all they had, but such beliefs are no longer tenable in the modern age for men and women such as we, who once again dare to be great.

Belief that only external forces can contrive to bring about the collapse of the system that oppresses us is the wishful thinking of men and women who dare not strive to bring about the end of that system by their own efforts and who hope for that end to be brought about as if by ‘magic’. It is childish wishing, it is cowardly and worst of all it is ultimately mistaken.

There is nothing inevitable about the collapse of the political and economic system that currently dominates the world and which has Britain, Europe and the nations of the West so firmly in it’s death grip. When people point everywhere to the signs of decay and decline and predict that such decline will inevitably trigger a cataclysmic event, they fail to realise that such signs have existed for well over one-hundred years and yet still we wait.

What the doom sayers fail to realise is that the economic system of the New World Order is not ‘out of control’. We are instead being shepherded through a time of managed decline for the West and for the White nations of the ‘First world’, as wealth is transferred and redistributed among the nations of the’ Second’ and ‘Third world’. Yes, our wealth is being pillaged by the oligarchs and the multinational corporations that dominate the New World Order, concentrating wealth in their hands, but insofar as wealth remains in the hands of ordinary people or in the hands of social and governmental institutions, a redistribution of wealth such as I describe is taking place  at our expense.

What seems like economic decline to us is simply a process of levelling out in which the wealth created by the West is more ‘fairly’ distributed, giving a greater share to those who have not earned it. In which industries created in the West are relocated to poorer, undeveloped parts of the World, providing employment for the people’s there who would never have developed such industries independently, but who are prepared to work for lower wages than their creative and industrious counterparts in the West.

All of this tells us that the long awaited cataclysmic economic collapse may never happen, at least until it is far to late to save us from racial obliteration. We cannot afford to wait, as waiting for the fabled ‘SHTF’ moment will be like waiting for Godot. Instead, we must engineer the conditions necessary for our eventual ascent to power, ourselves.

Similarly, sitting on our hands until a charismatic ‘Great White Leader’ emerges, will also be like waiting for Godot.


Charisma is not a quality that an individual is born with. A potentially charismatic individual must have certain innate qualities, but a charismatic aura is acquired through circumstances that must be engineered through what can perhaps best be described as an ‘emotional energy feedback loop’ between the ‘performer’ in question and his/her mass ‘audience’.

We therefore have a ‘chicken and egg’ situation in which many people are sitting on their hands awaiting the emergence of a charismatic leader figure, at a time when the emergence of such a figure is dependent upon the power that only their active following can give.

The solution to this ‘Catch 22′ situation is for us to draw together into the leadership of one organisation as many high quality, potentially charismatic individuals as possible and to provide the support that organisation needs in order to acquire pre-eminent status within our nationalist movement. A point will be reached as a consequence of this and the group dynamics involved, where-upon one or more of the candidates will begin to acquire the desired charismatic aura.

What is certain is that a ‘Great Charismatic White Leader’ is not going to suddenly appear as if by magic, fully equipped with everything needed lead us to victory. Just as we must ourselves engineer the conditions necessary for our eventual ascent to power, so we must also engineer the circumstances in which our leaders can acquire the charisma needed to attract a mass following of fanatical supporters.

If we are to succeed, we must recognise that we will not succeed without great effort and sacrifice on our part, and that we must have the courage and self-belief necessary to stop ‘wishing’, as children do, for someone else to ‘make everything better’, and assume personal responsibility for creating the right conditions and the right circumstances in which at the precise moment of maximum revolutionary potential, we have among our ranks a sufficient number of charismatic leaders such that this potent combination produces the impetuous needed to drive us forward to certain victory.

The first step is for individuals of good faith to come forward and make themselves known to us, so that we can begin the process of creating the conditions and circumstances that are so vital for success. Please email me,, we have no time to waste!

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