Atlantic Philanthropies Helped Rig the Vote in Irish Anal Marriage Referendum

Daily Stormer
June 2, 2015

Rent-a-mob must have got their fares paid somewhere.

Why was the “Yes” vote so publicised in Ireland and the “No” vote so underrepresented?

Step forward Atlantic Philanthropies.

Independent Irish senator Rónán Mullen and a raft of others including veteran journalist John Waters stated that Atlantic Philanthropies is financially backing the yes campaign because it funds a series of pro-gay marriage organisations ranging from the Gay and Lesbian Network to Amnesty International in Ireland.

According to Wikipedia

The Atlantic Philanthropies (AP) is a private foundation created in 1982 by Irish-American businessman Chuck Feeney. The Atlantic Philanthropies focuses its giving on health, social, and politically liberal public policy causes in Australia, Bermuda, Northern Ireland, Republic of Ireland, South Africa, the United States and Vietnam. Atlantic Philanthropies committed $27 million to win passage of the Affordable Care Act in the United States. About half of the Atlantic Philanthropies’ grants have been made in donations that allow lobbying.

One tactic used by the Atlantic Philanthropies is to use the promise of substantial gifts to compel governments and other donors to match. A total of $226 million in Atlantic grants have leveraged $1.3 billion of government money to the Irish university system. Atlantic’s most recent grantmaking statistics are from 2012. They will cease giving grants by 2016 or 2017, and will cease to operate a year or two after their grantmaking is concluded.”

From their own website they describe their activities as “…improving access to justice and services for migrants through legislative and policy reform and supporting the transformation of supports and services for people with disabilities.

Between 2004 and 2014, Feeney’s foundation donated heavily to the gay-rights movement in Ireland, with direct investment of more than $17 million and God only knows how much indirect support, according to Breda O’Brien, a Catholic columnist at The Irish Times, research compiled on the blog Yes Funding Exposed and Atlantic Philanthropies’ own website and reports.

Also another sinister organisation “The Immigrant Council of Ireland” run by jew Denise Charlton received almost $9 million from Atlantic between 2003 and 2014. Earlier this month, the council called for a “Yes” vote on the referendum. As a result, Atlantic Philanthropies publicly lauded the Immigrant Council for its position.

Vile race-mixing propaganda aimed at Ireland’s children.

This is not the first time that Atlantic philanthropies has stuck it oar into Irish politics and culture. The Trust is directly responsible for the brazen propaganda film Abbi’s circle which is clearly aimed at small school children. It has a sinister “edutainment” type of bent about it and they clearly state that it is aimed at “primary school teachers” among other professionals that work with children.

“The 3-part ‘documation’ series is a collaboration between animators, young primary school children, migration NGOs, a dramaturge and primary school teachers working in an inner city Dublin school.”

I recommend that you check out the “New Beginnings” clip for sheer Anti-White propaganda! In it we see an Indian, an African, a Chinese girl and a White Irish girl but surprise, surprise no White Irish boy is present. They are discussing the important matters of the day right after the script narrative casually dismisses a school trip to Newgrange, an ancient Irish Neolithic Observatory akin to Stonehenge, as not being particularly worthy of much attention. We are thus presented with a wise African Negress who has all the answers and who genuinely understands the important issues affecting these little invader’s lives. We are shown by their egalitarian discussion that Christmas plays should not be performed and by therefore tacitly implying that Christmas too should be dropped because there are other faiths in the world and people of those faiths may have their feels hurt if we do celebrate our own culture. The solution according to “New Beginnings” is that we are to engage in a pagan observance of lights. Yes we are being instructed to abandon Christianity in favour of lights but more subtly we are being told to worship the pathetic demiurge of multiculturalism and political correctness. Watching it and barf just like I did. Oh yeah and the Irish immigration system is apparently a cold, inhuman, automated machine.

This vile insult to life has been prepared with children in mind. This is child abuse. It must cease.

Just one look at the Pivotal Arts website and one can see what a degenerate morass of multicultural propaganda and sewage they peddle under the guise of “art”. Atlantic Philanthropies with its spin team of lowest common denominator social justice warriors from Pivotal Arts all marching gleefully towards the mincing machine of homogenous diversity is doing well. Please note that this excrement stained rainbow of an “Arts” group are also known as “Counter Point Arts” in the UK.

If you are as disgusted at Atlantic Philanthropies as I am then please I implore you to sign this petition and to send it all your friends and make a mental note regarding the liberal left and how the social justice warriors work. Nobody is off-limits not even schoolchildren. The tide is turning Gentlemen. The Far Right is rising. This is just the beginning!