Australia: Government Cracks Down on Vaping for “Health Reasons”

It’s pretty much been concluded that vaping is healthier than smoking.

I’m not sure I agree with that conclusion, but it’s the conclusion of the establishment.

So if they’re banning vape, cigarettes are next.

They are trying to destroy men’s minds and testosterone levels by denying us our required nicotine.


The Australian government will ban e-cigarettes through a heavy set of controls on imports and packaging to discourage vaping, especially among teens, under its biggest smoking reforms in more than a decade.

Australian Health Minister Mark Butler on Tuesday said vaping has become a top behavioral issue in high schools and a growing problem in elementary schools but recognized the products have a therapeutic use under the right circumstances.

Vaping involves heating a liquid that contains nicotine in an e-cigarette which is vaporized and inhaled by the user. It is widely seen as an alternative to smoking cigarettes and a product to help smokers quit tobacco, but instead, teens and even young children are taking up vaping as an addictive habit globally.

“Vaping was sold to governments and communities around the world as a therapeutic product to help long-term smokers quit,” Butler said. “It was not sold as a recreational product – in particular not one for our kids. But that is what it has become – the biggest loophole in Australian history.”

Before the changes were announced Tuesday, the only legal way to sell a nicotine vape in Australia was through a prescription provided by a doctor to a pharmacy – but the products were still widely sold across the country.

Immigrants don’t give a shit about laws because they can’t be punished for not following them.

Also, that is a retarded law no one should have been following in the first place.

Announcing the new regulations, Butler said non-prescription vapes will be banned from importation, and vape products will be required to have pharmaceutical-like packaging, aimed at being sold as products to help smokers quit only.

Brightly colored, fun-flavored packs that lured younger users will be restricted, and all single-use and disposable vapes will be banned, Butler said.

“No more bubblegum flavors. No more pink unicorns. No more vapes deliberately disguised as highlighter pens for kids to be able to hide them in their pencil cases,” the health minister added.

Removing vapes from storesIn suburban Brisbane, vape shop operator Ali Ayoub sells an array of colorful vape fluid with candy-like flavors such as pineapple punch, custard, butterscotch and menthol melon, and doesn’t agree that young people hooked on such products will switch to regular cigarettes.

“Have you ever tried a cigarette before? It tastes awful. Kids, they love the fruity taste (of vapes). It’s something sweet,” he said. Ayoub says he makes a point of checking ID and doesn’t sell vapes to customers under age 18.

However, Ayoub said the ban on recreational vaping would bankrupt his business: “What’s the point of a vape shop, if I can’t sell smokes? What else is there to sell?” he asked.

Maybe this will make Ali consider returning to Shitholestan and opening a vape shop there

As CNN spoke with Ayoub, one of his regular customers walked in to purchase a pineapple watermelon flavored disposable vape with nicotine. The customer, who declined to give his name, said he’d have no trouble giving up vapes, if they were banned. “I can stop smoking, it’s not like I’m addicted,” he said.

But he said without vapes, he would “buy a pack of smokes – it’s nicotine.”


It’s the same thing.

I think cigarettes make the gym harder (cardio, that is, but sometimes squats are cardio, you know?), but vape also might have consequences we don’t know about yet.

Wayne Hall, an emeritus professor at the National Centre for Youth Substance Use Research at The University of Queensland, said the Australian Medical Association discourages doctors from prescribing vaping products to help people to quit nicotine – so anyone currently buying them without a prescription is breaking the law.

“A ban on sales of disposable vapes is welcomed as a way to deter youth uptake, but much more effort will need to be made to ensure that smokers can easily and legally access approved vaping products,” he said.

Alongside the ban, the Australian government is increasing its tobacco tax by 5% per year for the next three years starting September 1. At the moment, a box of 20 cigarettes costs around 35 Australian dollars ($23) – considerably more than in the United States and the United Kingdom.

These boxes with images of like, dead rotting babies and foot fungus are just lies. This doesn’t happen in real life. Firstly, most pregnant women are smart enough not to smoke while pregnant, secondly, the risk – again, according to them – is a lowered birth weight due to restricted blood flow (nicotine, especially used chronically, does constrict blood vessels, which at least in theory, can result in a lower birth weight for obvious reasons).

There are dead mutant babies, there are no rotting foot fungus horrors.

Why do they lie?

They do have data on the cancer thing. I am not totally against that, because the smoke (and presumably the vape) is an irritant, and irritants over time can cause cancer (look at the people who used tanning beds in the 80s-90s and irritated their skin with UV – they all got skin cancer).

So I think a “increases the risk of cancer” warning could be fair (although at this point, it is a bit like a “coffee is hot” warning).

However, there is no evidence at all that smoking definitely causes cancer. These new government studies (done after it was discovered that nicotine increases testosterone and brain function) purposefully don’t consider co-morbidities, including obesity and work (such as construction work) that would have exposed the person to other, possibly much more extreme, lung irritants.

Also, frankly, just the carbon monoxide levels in the atmosphere in a city, even a Western city with emissions laws, are basically out of control. Yet I’ve never seen a single study that compared urban to rural smoker lung cancer rates.

And on and on.

My view is: smoke ’em if ya got ’em.

You only live once and smoking literally makes your life better.