Australia: Nazi Flag Flown in Small Village Causes Nationwide Panic

Adrian Sol
Daily Stormer
January 15, 2020

This isn’t a mere flag – it’s a weapon of mass destruction.

Australia is already on the brink of total collapse with all these fires roasting their koalas.

If things go on like this, no koala will remain uncooked in the whole bloody country. It’s no joking matter.

Yet in this time of unprecedented crisis, some bloody wankers decided to go and put up a “Nazi flag” on their property. Basically, they’re trying to “finish off” the already weakened country.

Will Oz survive this?

The entire political infrastructure of their country is responding with energetic condemnations of this flag, but it’s still unknown at this point whether that’ll be enough to save the country.

ABC News:

Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews has condemned a Nazi flag being flown over a home in the state’s north-west as “disgusting”, amid calls to stop the symbol from being publicly displayed.

The flag, which features the swastika and other Nazi symbols, is still flying over the home in Beulah, a town which is along Victoria’s famous Silo Art Trail in the state’s Mallee region.

News that the symbol was on public display prompted widespread condemnation and renewed calls for displaying Nazi symbols to be made illegal.

“It is absolutely disgusting behaviour and if there’s any decency in that household they will take that flag down immediately.”

Independent MP for Mildura Ali Cupper said she was disgusted the flag was flying in her electorate.

It’s shocking and it’s awful. It’s desperately sad and it’s such an insult to all of us who are democratic citizens who believe in inclusion and equality,” she said.

What’s “shocking and awful” is that a female elected politician actually doesn’t look like an ugly old lesbo hag.

Ali Cupper, shockingly enough, is mildly attractive – for a politician. And that mini-skirt, too…

Are the laws of the universe different in Australia? Or is the same thing that’s preventing Australians from falling into outer space also preventing their female politicians from resembling dog-like beings?

These are very important questions.

Victoria Police said in a statement it had received complaints about the flag and was investigating whether any offences had been committed.

Police were working with the Yarriambiack Shire Council to resolve the matter, the statement said.

The council sought legal advice about how the flag could be taken down, but chief executive Jessie Holmes said beyond asking the residents to remove it, there was little the council or police could do.

“We’ll keep working with any statutory authority that might have the power to remove the flag,” Ms Holmes said.

Ms Holmes said the incident had shocked residents in Beulah, which she described as a kind and welcoming community.

The red and black flag resembles a Wehrmacht flag, which was used between 1935 and 1938 to represent the armed forces of Nazi Germany.

It was replaced by another flag when Adolf Hitler became the commander-in-chief of the armed forces in 1938.

The ABC has attempted to contact the residents of the house, but has not received a response.

However, The Age newspaper reported one of the residents defended flying the flag above the home, citing her German ancestry.

Beulah is a small town in Victoria’s wheatbelt region with a population of just a few hundred.

Resident Leanne Shanks called the flag a “disgrace” and said it was an insult to both Jewish people and Australian war veterans.

Beulah is a very tiny town.

In fact, “town” is in itself somewhat of an overstatement.

It’s more of a small village.

It’s got a bit of a ghost town feel to it, too.

Looks kind of cozy tho.

The point being, in spite of this being in the middle of freaking nowhere, some random people in a small village still managed to get a response out of state and county level politicians just for flying a flag on their property.

Presumably, if the flag had been flown in a slightly bigger town, even the federal prime minister would have had to fly in and make a speech condemning the racisms.

Or else Australia would have been done for – for sure.

Not caused by the Nazi flag. But it could have been. It could have been.