Australia: Obese Woman Whines After Girls’ School Doesn’t Accept Her Fat Tranny Son

This is an outrage!

We have to protect fat people from hate!

We have to reserve the right of trannies to rape women!

The mum of a transgender girl who had her application rejected by an all-girls school has launched a discrimination battle against the institution.

Emma Jensen, the mother of 12-year-old Harley Jensen said she was assured by the staff at Brisbane’s Carinity Education Southside that her daughter’s biological sex would not be an issue during her enrolment.

“I said, ‘she’s a female. She identifies as a female and is on hormone blockers so she can transition. I don’t see the problem’,” she told 7News.

“I wanted to make sure, I didn’t want to set it up to get hurt.”

At the time she was also seeking enrolment for her 13-year-old daughter Rylee. While Rylee’s application was accepted, Harley’s wasn’t.

Ms Jensen claims that the day after her meeting, she received a call from the school informing her that they “we’re not taking Harley because she’s a male”. The family’s long-time social worker, Erin Oostenbroek backed up these claims.

Speaking to 7News, Harley said her mum has been aware that she identified as transgender since she was in kindergarten.

The family has now complained to the Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal and is currently awaiting a hearing. In May, Ms Jensen also launched a complaint to the Queensland Human Rights Commission, however conciliation attempts with the school were unsuccessful.

“She has the right to be who she wants to be and no one has the right to judge her for that and question that,” said Ms Jensen.

The tranny thing is just exhausting.

There is no pushback. A school rejecting isn’t pushback. There are just a few people who haven’t figured out the deal yet.