Andrew Anglin

Protests over Invader Rapes in Finland

The New Observer December 12, 2015 Increasing numbers of Finnish people are taking to public protest marches against the nonwhite invasion of their country, spurred into action by the news that there has been a dramatic spike in rapes carried out by “asylum seekers.”   The most prominent rape case—in other words, the one which the controlled media has reported …

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Failed “No Child Left Behind” Law Replaced by Even More Implausibly Entitled “Every Student Succeeds” Act

Steve Sailer VDARE December 11, 2015 Early in the 21st Century, noted education experts Ted Kennedy and George W. Bush got together to push through Congress the bipartisan No Child Left Behind act mandating that 100% of American public school students be above average by last year. As luck would have it, that didn’t actually happen. But now Obama has …

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