Daily Slave
October 23, 2014

The official autopsy on violent Negro criminal and aspiring rap artist Michael Brown has gone public. The report suggests that he reached for Darren Wilson’s gun during the altercation that eventually led to all sorts of chaos erupting on the streets of Ferguson, Missouri.
The official autopsy on Michael Brown, leaked to the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, suggests that he was shot in the hand at close range and may have reached for the police officer’s gun, outside experts told the newspaper.
That would contradict what private experts reported after they conducted an autopsy for Brown’s family. Those experts said there were no signs of a struggle between Brown and Officer Darren Wilson, who shot him to death Aug. 9 in the suburb of Ferguson.
A supplemental examination in the official autopsy published by the Post-Dispatch found material “consistent with products that are discharged from the barrel of a firearm” in Brown’s right hand.
Unfortunately, this news will probably cause more Blacks to riot in the streets even though all the evidence is pointing to the fact that Brown deserved to be shot due to his own actions.