Average American Watches 8 Hours of Movies and Series Per Day During Lockdown

Is this a glimpse of what people will do if a Universal Basic Income kind of thing ever happens?

Study Finds:

Just one more episode. Or five. That’s the mantra of millions who suddenly find themselves stuck at home all day during the coronavirus pandemic. A new survey of 2,000 U.S. residents finds the average American is currently streaming eight hours of content per day and finishing three TV series per week. We all have some extra free time on our hands right now, but at this rate many people may exhaust the entire Netflix library by summer.

Moreover, many parents have started to fall back on streaming services to get a break from their kids. In all, 65% of surveyed parents said they’re allowing their children to watch more TV and movies during this pandemic.

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The research, commissioned by Tubi, also noted that the average American enjoys access to four streaming services (Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime). Another 38% are usually logged into five or more at any given time. Of course, many households find themselves operating on a leaner budget, so it makes sense that 47% are also taking advantage of free streaming services.

All in all, 75% of respondents are using streaming services more in general since COVID-19 interrupted all of our lives.

We all have our favorite shows, from Breaking Bad to The Sopranos, that we just can’t help but go back to and re-watch. As such, 56% said they are watching shows they’ve already seen before more often than starting something new.

The findings of the survey illuminate just how much people are turning to streaming as a way to stay entertained and cope with social isolation. Americans are bingeing more content than ever before, seeking free streaming options alongside subscription services, and turning to password sharing as a way to find more content,” comments a Tubi spokesperson.

People appear to have weird thought processes.

“Can’t go take a walk in the park so I might as well lay in the couch without moving for most of the day.”

“Can’t see my friends right now so I might as well spend most of the day watching TV instead of talking with them.”

“Can’t go to work right now so I might as well not do anything productive with my life.”

“Can’t escape physically so I might as well escape mentally.”

Wouldn’t it be better to spend the free time that the lockdown imposes talking with our friends and family over the phone, doing stuff that we’ve wanted to do for some time but couldn’t find the time to do before, reading interesting old books, working or planning personal projects, and overall laughing at the coronavirus paranoia?

I mean, even video games are at least interactive.