Back on Top Again (Meme Pandering – This is a Meme Post)

I’m not ready to claim I’m back on top again.

But I’m feeling better.

And people sent me some money.

One guy sent like $2,500, which is significantly more than what my new computer cost.

Still a fraction of the monthly cost of this site.

But we’ll figure it out.

I’m taking tomorrow off. And all Sundays thereafter. I think it’s a religious matter and a practical matter. I don’t think working every day for 11 years was really that great of an idea.

This will allow me to finish up early today and then go camping somewhere without internet, which I basically never get to do.

I might write something good today to post tomorrow. But no promises. In the future, however, I think that will be the policy – a nice 1,500-2,500 word piece for Sunday. Those pieces are so much more popular than filler anyway. And no news happens on Sundays.

Please bear with me and please keep sending money.

My only purpose in this life is this website, and I need to do better. I need to figure out ways to do better.

Anyway, so, basically, I’m posting memes right now. It’s not Monday or Thursday or whatever the meme day is supposed to be (there is some controversy on that issue). But I have memes and I’m posting them because users like memes and I’m trying to pander.