BBC: Whites Need Not Apply for Trainee Position

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
June 4, 2016


Hey buddy – ya wanna job?

If bad things allegedly happened to your ancestors hundreds or thousands of years ago, you’d need a boost as well.

Daily Caller:

Britain’s public broadcaster, BBC, is telling young people who are not from “ethnic minority backgrounds” not to apply for its 12-month trainee positions.

BBC, the world’s largest broadcasting company by number of employees, is aggressively trying to make its workforce more diverse with racial and gender quotas. A number of white applicants for trainee positions are accusing the company of racial discrimination after the company replied that it was only open to ethnic minorities.

“It’s just wrong and as far as I know it is illegal. Coming from the BBC, it’s amazing,” a 26-year-old white male applicant told The Daily Mail Thursday. “If you applied for a position and got a reply saying it was only open to white applicants, you would quite rightly not be happy. This is exactly the same.”

The applicant holds a degree in media relations and said it felt unfair to be excluded from one of the most prestigious jobs available in the field because of his skin color.

“Opportunities like this hardly ever come up,” he said. “Of course there was no guarantee I would have got the job, but to be told I wasn’t even allowed to apply because of the color of my skin was appalling.”

BBC announced its new racial and gender quotas in late April, after a push from the British parliament to show more diversity on air.

You might be asking: “well, what is the difference between this and the pure evil of refusing to hire Blacks?

But oh, you stupid goyim. The difference is this: the Crusades, colonialism, slavery and the Holocaust.

It doesn’t matter that the Turks also enslaved people and committed a Holocaust against the Armenians. Because in order to do slavery or a Holocaust, you have to come from a position of privilege.

Just as White women can’t be raped, Turks cannot enslave anyone or Holocaust them.