Belarus has just pulled a majorly bold move. A faggot who was wanted by the Belarusian state was on a Ryanair flight from Greece to Lithuania, and the plane went over Belarusian airspace. Belarus sent up jets to escort the plane to the ground so they could arrest this homo.
It is interesting to see the Russian side finally acting offensively.
You can read the story on RT or the New York Times, but both have their obvious biases. I will just go ahead and lay it out clearly for you.
The homo’s name is Roman Protasevich. He was running a Telegram channel against the government entitled “Belamova.” He was pushing US State Department talking points regarding the 2020 Belarusian election and the immediate need to overthrow the government of Alexander Lukashenko and install an EU-run anal dictatorship. Protasevich has worked with various US State Department operations, including RFE/RL.
❗️ Roman Protasevich, editor of telegram channel @belamova was on board of the Ryanair flight that had to land in Minsk instead of Vilnius.
Roman was detained at Minsk Airport.
Via @kykyorg#StandWithBelarus #Belarus pic.twitter.com/UeE1MQNMcQ
— Voices from Belarus (@VoicesBelarus) May 23, 2021
On Sunday, Protasevich boarded a plane from Greece to Lithuania. Allegedly ordered by Lukashenko himself, a MiG-29 fighter jet from the Belarusian Air Forces was dispatched to escort the commercial flight to land in Belarus. The military told the Ryanair jet that there was a bomb threat.
This is the first time since the annexation of Crimea that anyone from the east has done anything at all to push back against the US/NATO/EU/ZOG agenda. It is really a legitimately aggressive move to send a fighter jet to order a plane to land so you can arrest someone.
That fat woman who claims to be the secret leader of Belarus is juicing herself, thinking NATO is about to invade and put her in charge of the country.
From now on, no person from any country who flies over Belarus is guaranteed even basic safety. Lukashenka personally caused an international scandal, used military aircraft against civilians of Belarus and European countries – to reprise a single person. https://t.co/ddJGW2bXU5
— Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya (@Tsihanouskaya) May 23, 2021
It should be noted that in 2013, France, Spain, Portugal and Italy worked to force the plane of then Bolivian President Eva Morales to land (eventually in Austria) because they thought Edward Snowden was on it. As always, the West set this precedent.
The media is lying when they claim “no one has ever done this before.”
Media: #US @SenatorLeahy (D-VT) tells @Acosta that no country should condone #Belarus' force-down of a commercial airliner to arrest Raman Pratasevich: "This has never been done before and it should be roundly condemned." Leahy says #Lukashenko "would make Joseph Stalin happy." pic.twitter.com/7K3hiJwoMm
— Porter Anderson (@Porter_Anderson) May 23, 2021
Needless to say, ZOG is very mad.
Bellingcat @christogrozev: "This incident is a serious violation of the Chicago Convention on International Civil Aviation and can be classified as a terrorist act, putting hundreds of lives on board and on the ground at risk. Now Belarus had become full-fledged rogue state." pic.twitter.com/MZhggJiMoW
— Franak Viačorka (@franakviacorka) May 23, 2021
Good thread on events in Belarus.
Yes, the Gov. of Belarus forcing down a Ryanair flight to detain an opponent is a Human Right violation. Yes, this was a terror act. It is also violation on international norms with grave implications for vital US national interests. https://t.co/CaMtkoWOuw— Alexander S. Vindman (@AVindman) May 23, 2021
Ursula von der Leyen is calling this a “hijacking,” and it is widely being referred to by supporters of the Evil Empire as a “terrorist act.”
The outrageous and illegal behaviour of the regime in Belarus will have consequences.
Those responsible for the #Ryanair hijacking must be sanctioned.
Journalist Roman Protasevich must be released immediately.
EUCO will discuss tomorrow action to take.
— Ursula von der Leyen (@vonderleyen) May 23, 2021
The government of Ireland, where Ryanair is based, is claiming this is a violation against them.
It is utterly unacceptable. This is an Irish Airline with EU citizens on board, forced to land in Minsk, while travelling between EU cities. A strong an united response from EU needed.
EU inaction or indecision will be taken as weakness by Belarus. @dfatirl https://t.co/WUwdcsTjSU— Simon Coveney (@simoncoveney) May 23, 2021
Greece and Lithuania are also claiming they’ve been violated.
The forced landing of a commercial plane to detain a journalist is an unprecedented, shocking act. We demand all passengers’ immediate release. Tomorrow’s #EUCO must address the need to step up pressure on Belarus. Enough is enough.
— Prime Minister GR (@PrimeministerGR) May 23, 2021
?? leaders will discuss a state-sponsored terror act in #Minsk tomorrow at #EUCO. My suggestions: airspace over ?? shall be recognized unsafe, ?? aircrafts shall not be accepted in ?? airports, immediate investigation by @icao & serious sanctions against the regime.
— Gitanas Nausėda (@GitanasNauseda) May 23, 2021
In fact, every European leader is coming out and denouncing this action, down to that bitch that runs Slovakia.
Extremely concerning reports of a forcing of a commercial plane to the ground in #Belarus and a detention of an opposition activist. Investigation is essential – any violation of international law must have consequences.
— Zuzana Čaputová (@ZuzanaCaputova) May 23, 2021
US politicians have also begun going off about it.
The forced landing of a Ryanair flight to arrest a journalist who covered the stolen election & peaceful protests in Belarus is an outrageous provocation and affront to the rule of law.
The transatlantic community must demand Raman Pratasevich’s release.https://t.co/l0RL9cvG6I
— House Foreign Affairs Committee (@HouseForeign) May 23, 2021
The United States needs to consider restricting commercial air traffic into and over Belarus until this matter is resolved. No travelers can feel safe if state sponsored hijacking becomes acceptable. https://t.co/9LC0km6F9o
— Chris Murphy (@ChrisMurphyCT) May 23, 2021
Dick Durbin’s tweet was the most vile.
This desperate act of state sponsored hijacking shows Lukashenko’s fear of his own people. It is long overdue for Europe’s Last Dictator to accept that the Belarusian people voted for his ouster in the most recent election. https://t.co/9gPmL6tP5n
— Senator Dick Durbin (@SenatorDurbin) May 23, 2021
(What do Democrats know about silencing journalists, I wonder? Maybe we should ask Andrew Anglin and Alex Jones? What do they know about fake elections? Could we maybe ask Donald Trump?)
There has already been a “joint call” issued for massive sanctions against Belarus.
Joint call for all flights to, from, and over Belarus to be suspended and for sanctions on the Lukashenko regime from the chairs of the Parliament foreign affairs committees of Ireland, UK, US, Poland, Germany, Czechia, Latvia, Lithuania pic.twitter.com/RWWv7niJtR
— Naomi O'Leary (@NaomiOhReally) May 23, 2021
Meanwhile, the Jews are saying that this was a Russian action.
2/5. Possibly the hijacking was even a Russian initiative. Worth asking before acting.
— Timothy Snyder (@TimothyDSnyder) May 23, 2021
Whether or not Putin had a heads up, he’s fully enmeshed:
A Russian MiG jet forced the plane to land, the editor of RT said Lukashenko “played it beautifully”, and a member of Russia’s parliament, described the arrest as a “brilliant special operation.”https://t.co/Jr2zodXTr9
— Bianna Golodryga (@biannagolodryga) May 23, 2021
The scary thing is that it’s possible that Russia didn’t know Lukashenko was going to do this. Vladimir Putin certainly proved to not have much influence over the leadership of the Ukraine when that ship went south in 2014. The government, the media and the Jews will say that Russia knew either way, but it’s well within the realm of possibility they didn’t.
If Russia did know, then this is obviously not about a journalist, and is intended to be some kind of provocation as part of some different plan.
This is exactly the kind of event that starts a spiral of other events, and you end up with a world war.
Indeed, the head warmonger of NATO is jibbering.
Closely monitoring forcible landing in #Belarus of flight to Vilnius & reported detention of opposition figure Roman Protasevich. This is a serious & dangerous incident which requires international investigation. Belarus must ensure safe return of crew & all passengers.
— Jens Stoltenberg (@jensstoltenberg) May 23, 2021
I don’t make predictions, but I did say that it was my guess that of the three main enemies of ZOG – China, Russia and Iran – Russia was likely to get hit first.
NATO and the US ZOG military have been making aggressive and threatening gestures at Russia for years, but they’ve gotten much more intense since the fake 2020 US presidential election.
I’d say there’s a 50/50 chance you see a chain reaction of events over the next couple of weeks. I don’t say that as a news speculator, but as a personal life advisor: if we get involved in a war with Russia, things are going to get very weird domestically. The media has already associated anyone with right-wing views with being a Russian agent, and if there is a war, all of a sudden being associated with the country we are at war with becomes illegal.
All of this goofy “Russian disinformation” stuff that Republicans have been laughing at for the last five years could very quickly stop being funny, and become grounds for politically-motivated prosecution.
Obviously, there will also be a whole lot of economic and social implications of a World War. Hopefully you’ve already moved out of the big city and done all the prepper stuff I’ve been instructing you to do for years.
As always: don’t panic.
It is possible that this could amount to not much at all. They might just throw some sanctions, make some noise, and use this as an excuse to push harder for revolution in Belarus.
More likely however:
You saw the deal they made out of that fake Alexi Navalny poisoning hoax, right?
Well, this is about six million times bigger than that.
It’s not some minor diplomatic thing, like when they claimed with no evidence the Belarusian election was fake.
Dispatching a jet to take down a passenger jet is a true “come at me, bro” move.
We all knew it was going to happen eventually.