Ben Affleck Likely to Get Cucked Out of Batman Role, Grows Gross Tits

Octavio Rivera
Daily Stormer
August 30, 2018

Ben Affleck has been recently dumped by his girlfriend, by his side-whore, and by his bloodsucking front-hole of a wife. Ex-wife. 

Now he’s about to get dumped by his job too.

He just can’t stop getting abandoned. It is clear that people don’t want anything to do with him.

Why could that be?

He’s famous, he’s good-looking, he has shekels… for now.

What’s wrong with him?

Fox News:

“More than likely the studio will replace him because the insurance costs are going to go through the roof,” a representative for a completion bond company told TheWrap.

“Please stop.”

Since checking back into rehab, Affleck may be a liability for the studio.

“He would be bondable, but the deductible would be really high, probably the budget of the film,” an attorney who specializes in insurance and bond products also told the outlet.

Editor's Note: This is a real thing. Studios are extremely hesitant to put a star who is going in an out of rehab at the center of a $500,000,000 film (yes, after advertisement, "blockbuster" superhero films now cost this much). I have no idea if they can actually drop Affleck from the DC Universe; presumably they are going to lengthen the time before shooting starts and hope the sorry sonovabitch gets his shit together (with the help of their own psychotherapists, steroid coaches and so on, of course). -AA



Can you find what’s wrong with these pictures?

Does that look like this?

Have steroids turned Batman into a cuck?

What would his children think of him now?

Their father couldn’t keep mommy, couldn’t keep any of his whores around, couldn’t keep his job.

He couldn’t even get his ass to the gym and had to take steroids to fool the public.


Hollywood has been fooling people with steroids for decades. Yes, there’s the blatant ones such as The Rock, but most users don’t look like bodybuilders. At least not like the bodybuilder image normies have in mind, so they usually get a pass.

Steroids help cucks like Ben feel manly. The guy couldn’t even drag himself to the gym when his wife begged him to join her.

But these gains are not free.

Everything has a price.

Ben is paying for all his mistakes now, and they’ve come together to crush him.

We know he’ll eventually commit suicide. The question is not if, but when.

He has nothing else going for him anymore, no purpose, no people wanting to be close to him. No job. His body is now a display of his internal state.

His kids are likely disgusted by their bitch father, too.

What else is there for you, Ben?

We are men. Men is what we are.

How long until he kills himself?

How long until the mother of his children starts fucking a nigger that will eventually rape his daughters?

This is the world you created for yourself, Ben.