Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 16, 2015
Bill Cosby gave an interview to ABC’s Good Morning America, and was asked about the seemingly endless number of women (mostly White) who have accused him of drugging and raping them.
Cosby’s answer was gibberish – something about driving a car into a 3 inch lake. He could well have added “zibbidy bee-bow.” Though he is 77, he has appeared to be clear-minded in the recent comedy performances he’s done, and yet the answer came across as senile. Cosby is an actor, and so was likely faking senility to avoid answering the rape question.

More than thirty women have come out and accused him of slipping them a mickey and sticking it to them over the past six months, following a Black comedian doing a bit about Cosby as rapist. All of the allegations are for crimes which are past the statute of limitations, so Cosby cannot be charged.
How shameful it must be for Blacks to see that the one guy who was supposed to be standing up for progress in the Black community is just another violent criminal.