Bill Johnson Robo-Calls Utah Mormons to Support Trump Over Queer Conehead

Eric Striker
Daily Stormer
November 1, 2016

There's no chance he can win, so what's he really getting out of this campaign?

There’s no chance he can win, so what’s he really looking to get out of this campaign?

William Johnson is a really underrated white civil rights activist. While I don’t always agree with his strategies and ideas, the guy pours his heart and soul into the cause , and unlike many in the movement, doesn’t let ego get in the way of the meta-political fight.

Johnson’s latest foray into the political arena is a series of Robocalls to Mormon Utah, where anal-probe loving extraterrestrial Evan McMullin and his Jewish handlers are looking to exploit Mormon nepotism to take enough votes away from Trump and give the state to Hillary. Johnson is spending his own money to warn them about being duped.


If only Jews and Zeta Reticulians were allowed to vote, McMullin would win the Presidency by an astonishing margin.

The Queer Conehead/Kike (Finn) ticket has so little support that it doesn’t even register in national polls, but this has not stopped the national media from pushing McMullin and his Bush/Romney cuckservatism as the “moral alternative” to Trump. According to the media, McMullin is now approaching Trump’s numbers in Utah, but this is almost certainly wishful thinking. If the Trump campaign’s internal polling believed Utah to be in danger, they would spend money or send surrogates, and this is clearly not happening (instead, Trump is  challenging Hillary in traditionally blue safe zones like New Mexico and Pennsylvania right now).

Never the less, Johnson’s call gets an A for Effort, you can listen to it here:

Hello, My name is William Johnson. I am a farmer and a white nationalist. I make this call against Evan McMullin and in support of Donald Trump. Evan McMullin is an open borders, amnesty supporter. Evan has two mommies. His mother is a lesbian, married to another woman. Evan is okay with that. Indeed, Evan supports the Supreme Court ruling legalizing gay marriage. Evan is over 40 years old and is not married and doesn’t even have a girlfriend. I believe Evan is a closet homosexual. Don’t vote for Evan McMullin. Vote for Donald Trump. He will respect all women and be a president we can all be proud of. I paid for this ad through the American National super-PAC.

All of this is true. McMullin was indeed raised by a homosexual couple, refuses to condemn homosexual marriage (something even Mormons find grotesque), and there is no record of him ever being married or even dating a girl. He is almost certainly an agent of Team Queer (a team managed and owned by Big Jew) trying to infiltrate and influence Mormons. Not hard to sweat petty bullshit like Trump saying “pussy” when you live in an enormously wealthy, 99% white bubble.

You ever see a straight man drinking something like this?

You ever see a straight man drinking something like this?

Anyone who dares waste their vote on McMullin is only showing how little respect they not only have for their country, but for themselves. Thankfully, Bill Kristol (the kike who blackmailed this striver into ruining any future political prospects) and his tricks won’t work this time.