Black Pigeon on Tomi Lahren Firing

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
March 21, 2017

I’m not really onboard with what Black Pigeon is saying here. Not exactly.

I mean, she’s just some random dumb hoe. And abortion needs to be banned, even if you don’t care about fetuses. You have to ban it because of feminism. And the Blaze sucks.

And homoism is poison.

Also, tofu lowers testosterone levels, so it isn’t really a personal choice.

I guess the bottom line of “we’re not going to agree on everything” is good.

And winning is the only thing that matters. That is true.

But I don’t think we need weird minority groups in order to win. And I think that by trying to appeal to these groups, we end up making the message less appealing to the masses.

He’s right about the animal rights thing, for sure. But… only because of how it affects human health. Factory farming is a disaster, and an argument for releasing genetically engineered race-specific viruses.

Basically, BP is a hippie right-winger.

Whatever, his videos are always worth watching. This is probably the worst one I’ve seen though.

The left won the culture war because they organized a bunch of minority groups against the majority. But mainly they won because of Jewish ethnic networking and disproportionate control of the media and the government.