Boomer Antifa: Oathkeepers Actually Sent an Illegal Spic to Attack a White Nationalist

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
June 12, 2017

Azzmador covered it in his big Houston event post, but this clip deserves its own post.

The Houston rally on Saturday was a counter-demonstration to a fake antifa protest. Someone on the Alt-Right hoaxed the claim that there was going to be an antifa protest. Everyone knew that there weren’t going to be any actual antifa there, but there was buzz and publicity, so it was a good thing for us to show up and make a scene.

However, a gaggle of dimwitted dumbasses was not aware of this fact.

The Boomer Antifa, which call themselves “Oath Keepers” showed up, and had an illegal immigrant attack one of our guys.

They first surrounded him, because they didn’t like his signs. He tried to explain “I thought we were on the same side,” but they were having none of it. If there’s one thing we know about boomers, it’s that the only side they are on is their own. Plus the side of all other races.

They claimed they were there to fight antifa, and he tried to explain that there were no antifa, that it was a troll, but I don’t think they understand what a troll is.

“What about the memes?” our guy reasonably inquired. But they don’t know what memes are either.

It is always a mistake to try and reason with or explain something to a boomer. Boomers are like developmentally disabled children, and often have difficulty learning new concepts, even when the concept is not complicated or is self-explanatory.

They spent their entire lives destroying the heritage of this country, flooding us with immigrants, liberating the blacks, liberating the homos, burying us in debt, sending us to fight wars for Israel – and now, with America almost completely destroyed, they aren’t going to let some young guys come in and just fix it. They want to make absolutely certain that we don’t have a future.

As our guy was trying to be polite and cordial with them, some boomer shitbag came at him saying – and this is a quote – “son. you are leaving here, one way or another,” as a spic member of their group rushed him from behind and tried to choke him out. He was then chased away by the mob of armed boomers yelling that he was a Nazi.

What are the Oathkeepers?


Oath Keepers is a far-right, anti-government American organization associated with the patriot movement and militia movement. The group describes itself as a non-partisan association of current and formerly serving military, police, and first responders, who pledge to fulfill the oath all military and police take to “defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic.” It encourages members – some of whom are current and former U.S. military and law enforcement officers – not to obey orders which they believe would violate the United States Constitution. The organization claims a membership of up to 30,000.

Several groups that monitor domestic terrorism and hate groups describe the Oath Keepers as extremist or radical. Mark Pitcavage of the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) describes the group as “heavily armed extremists with a conspiratorial and anti-government mindset looking for potential showdowns with the government.” The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) lists the group’s founder as a known extremist and describes his announced plans to create localized militia units as “frightening”. According to the SPLC, the group espouses a number of conspiracy and legal theories associated with the sovereign citizen movement and the white supremacist posse comitatus movement. SPLC senior fellow Mark Potok describes the group as a whole as “really just an anti-government group who believe in a wild set of conspiracy theories.”

An anti-government militia that the ADL and SPLC say are planning to overthrow the government sounds pretty cool huh?

Well, that’s sadly not what they actually are.

This is not something I know a lot about, but every time I have ever seen or heard of these people, they have been harassing the Alt-Right in the fashion you see in the above video – that is to say, acting exactly like antifa.

If their core goal is to protect and defend the Constitution, why is it that every time I see them anywhere, it is them trying to shut down someone’s freedom of speech?

They are obsessed with not being perceived as “racists,” due to their boomer brain programming, which leads them to believe that a racist is the most evil of all things. In fact, I’m not even sure what their goal is exactly.

The very First Amendment of the US Constitution is:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

What the Oath Keepers did on Saturday, and what they have been running around doing everywhere lately, is shut down a man’s right to speech and his right to peacefully assemble. They physically attacked him and ran him out because “meme speech is not free speech.”

Boomers are a wasted generation, and the Oath Keepers are the epitome of their hypocritical, selfish inability to imagine that human existence is about something more than feeling good.

They want to go out there and play a little game, dress up in camo and carry guns and talk about how they’re saving America.

What are they saving?

And who are they saving it for?

These people are an enemy of the Constitution, an enemy of this country.

Anyone who knows anything about the Founding Fathers knows well and good whose side they would have been on in the Houston scene.

These men owned slaves.

And they certainly believed in real free speech, not “meme speech is not free speech.”

It seems they’re not keeping an oath to the Constitution, but rather an oath to John Lennon’s “Imagine.”

Yoko was one BASED gook, amirite?

Oath Keepers: Enemies of Freedom and America

Basically, moving forward, we need to view these people in the exact same way we view antifa: as enemy agents, send to disrupt our events, to use threats and real violence to shut down our freedom of speech. I wouldn’t be surprised if next they start bringing water balloons of urine to throw at “Nazis.”

I assume that the organization is lined with federal agents. But it doesn’t really matter. Boomers are stupid enough to believe that anyone who questions mass immigration or the equality of blacks is some kind of agent provocateur, while actually themselves functioning as agents provocateurs. They are the ones initiating violence at peaceful rallies.

They were apparently doing this in NYC as well.

The good news is, in NYC one of them died of a heart attack, presumably while trying to fight racism.

And that will be happening more and more. They will die, or at least be too old to come out and threaten us, send illegal Mexicans to attack us.

But as long as they’re out there, be weary. With what happened in Houston, they’ve made it clear that they are hostile and violent towards us, meaning they are our enemies.