British Nationalist Soldier Joshua Bonehill Kidnapped and Harassed by Jew Occupation Government!

Yet Another Disclaimer: The Daily Stormer and its publisher Andrew Anglin are opposed to any and all forms of violence, threatened or real, and any and all calls for violence, or suggestions of such or allusions to such in the comments section will result in a permanent banning.  We desire merely for justice to be carried out in a peaceful and orderly way against the enemies of the British people.  Our activism is purely political in nature.

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
November 6, 2014

Joshua Bonehill, soldier of the revolution.
Joshua Bonehill, soldier of the revolution.

Following the hellstorm created by Operation: Filthy Jew Bitch, an activist campaign designed to protest the unjust imprisonment of Garron Helm, a second young nationalist was kidnapped from his home by Jewish Occupation forces in the UK.

Comrade Joshua Bonehill was arrested last Thursday under the Orwellian “Public Order Act” for Tweeting against the sychophantic Jew-protector John Mann.  The arrest followed his call on YouTube for the internet to rally around the #FreeGarronHelm campaign.

His Tweet was – and this will sound familiar – non-violent and merely questioned Mann’s support for the filthy Jewess Berger, as well as his anti-White plot against the British people and nation.

The Tweet that got Garron Helm thrown in prison.
The Tweet that got Garron Helm thrown in prison.
The Tweet that got Joshua Bonehill arrested.
The Tweet that got Joshua Bonehill arrested.
John Mann went on a rampage, threatening to arrest everyone who retweeted Bonehill's criticism.
John Mann then went on a rampage, threatening to arrest everyone who retweeted Bonehill’s criticism.

“My home was raided and all computer equipment seized by counter terrorist police before spending the best part of 24 hours being interrogated by British police demanding to know who is responsible for the Free Garron campaign. I gave the police nothing and in return was bailed for march of next year whilst they investigate this,” he told me via email.

These conniving agents of the Jews do not need to do an investigation into #FreeGarronHelm – they need merely to read my lips:

The Stormer Troll Army was responsible, and they cannot be stopped so you might as well give up and stop kidnapping individuals, perhaps spend the time focusing on covering up the various child-rape scenarios you’re presently dealing with.

Joshua is also facing multiple other bizarre speech-related charges for his postings on his website, the Daily Bale.  He explained: “One of the charges in my case is simply for calling a Jew a Jew and another is for calling a disgusting homosexual a queen on Twitter.”

Both of his Twitter accounts were suspended on the request of Jew agent John Mann.

He is due for sentencing for these speech crimes on the 21st of this month.  Total charges include five counts of “malicious communications” and two counts of “harassment.”

He also expects to be swat-teamed again for apparently illegal statements he made about Negro workers at Tesco being likely infecting food with Ebola.

Joshua Bonehill is 21-years-old and has been involved with nationalist political action for two years.  After leaving UKIP, he formed his own party under the name of “National British Resistance” and launched the Daily Bale.  He is now a member of the BNP, and intends on standing for office sometime in the future.

He has made it clear that if he must go to prison for the cause, then he will go to prison for the cause.  He is a model figure of British nationalism, and should serve as an inspiration for White youth across the planet.

Who Else has Been Arrested?

During his Tuesday speech in Parliament, the snake Mann said that ten people had been arrested for using the internet to voice their political opinions.  I have yet to have it confirmed who these people are, and what has happened to them.

Along with this, Paul Hickman was intending to interview Garron Helm yesterday on his Voice of Albion program, and he was absent, indicating that he or Helm may have been arrested.

If anyone has any information about any of this, or other actions that the Jewish Occupation Government of Britain is taking against nationalists, please give it in the comments section or email it to me at

Marching Toward Victory…!

This is a war.  Make no mistake about it.  We are in the thick of it now, and we must continue to push against this darkness which seeks to consume us all.

The Jews and their lackeys have shown serious weakness in recent ways in attempting to do damage control on the Garron Helm imprisonment.  They have now brought in this weird pervert John Mann to serve as the frontman for their agenda, and they simply could not have picked a weaker and more unstable figure.

They said it didn't exist... but I've seen it... the Stormer Troll Army is as real as you or I.
They said it didn’t exist… but I’ve seen it… the Stormer Troll Army is real.

Mann has declared that he will shut down our operations, and we must make certain that he is not successful. Follow the instructions laid out here and here, and do not cease.  If you account gets banned, make more.  Also take the advice on swarming Facebook along with Twitter.

John Mann has already called for people to be banned from the internet if they criticize government policy or make fun or someone.  We must continue to push him, so that he continues to act in more sick and bizarre ways in full view of the public.

For Europa. We fight.
For Europa. We fight.

Hail Victory.
Andrew Anglin