California: Ferrari Splits in Half in High Speed Crash

A speeding Ferrari crashed and split in half in Silverado Canyon, California this weekend, according to local news reports.

One person is dead.

Ferraris are not made for crashing, despite the fact that they are made for driving very fast.

People who drive cars very fast and are incapable of properly managing those high speeds deserve to be executed.

During that ridiculous coronavirus hoax, I pointed out daily that many more people die in car crashes in this country than even the most ridiculous statistics claimed were dying “from the coronavirus.” I pointed out there there was never a lockdown on driving, which proved that the coronavirus lockdown was not in fact about “saving lives,” even if you were actually stupid enough to believe that hundreds of thousands of people were dying from that alleged virus.

In general, the government should avoid as many deaths as possible. The problem with the coronavirus hoax, aside from the fact it was a total hoax and completely fake, was that they were telling individuals that the government had a right to protect them from their own decisions. This is always wrong. If someone wants to risk their life, they have a right to do so. However, when someone crashes a car, they often kill other people who were driving properly. Therefore, the punishment for car crashing should be very extreme – whether or not the driver is drunk.

In fact, drunk driving is also a hoax. If someone can handle driving while intoxicated, they should not be punished by the government. Many people can handle it, and therefore it is none of the government’s business. If all crashes resulted in prison time, no one would be driving drunk unless they could handle it.