California: Spic Arrested for Killing White Female Clerk During Robbery at Sex Shop

Favian Ramirez.

Oh, FFS.

Can someone please just put this state out of its misery already…

Fox 40:

Modesto police arrested a suspect in the murder of an adult book store clerk after a full-blown manhunt.

What might have been a run-of-the-mill armed robbery at the Liberty Books Adult Superstore on Kansas Avenue in Modesto took a different turn when the suspect opened fire on the clerk before taking money from the register.

When police arrived on the scene they found 38-year-old Cinnamon Eades on the floor behind the cash register bleeding from at least one gunshot wound. She died at an area hospital, according to the policed department.

Detectives were initially stumped but knew a violent criminal was on the loose.

The big break in the case came when investigators learned the car the suspect was driving was apparently taken on a test drive from a used car lot. That’s what pointed them to 20-year-old Favian Ramirez of Modesto.

Around nine hours after the deadly shooting and robbery, police converged on a Ceres address where Ramirez was suspected to be and they spotted his car. He reportedly fled when he spotted the SWAT team.

“We set up a perimeter and were able to take him into custody,” Bear said.

Ramirez faces murder and robbery charges.

Cinnamon Eades.