Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
June 16, 2014

The Daily Stormer is issuing a call to action to our brothers in the United Kingdom.
People are always asking me “what can I do?”
Well, here’s a mighty fine thing you can do.
A Jewish Holohoaxing woman, Dr. Caroline Sturdy-Colls, will be appearing at t a London synagogue, and the event is open to the public. She will, as is the tradition, be obliged to take questions. When the questions are taken, you, brother, must be there to give them.
Sturdy-Colls is the Jewess responsible for the recent Treblinka archaeology hoax, wherein she made weird and baseless claims to support the pre-determined conclusion that hundreds of thousands of Jews had been murdered in the camp for no reason.
If I had the resources to get to London tomorrow, I would do it, but I don’t. And so you, dear brother, must be the one to do it.
Your mission, should you choose to accept it:
Watch Eric Hunt’s video on the hoax:
Then go there and ask her about the steam chambers, ask her about the fact she was digging at a Christian burial site, ask her about the true nature of the terracotta tile, which is admittedly not even Jewish.
Perhaps folks in the comments can offer some specific lines, which you could just read off to her.
It doesn’t take much to push the issue and make these people terribly uncomfortable.
This will get media attention, it will be excellent viral footage in the interspheres, and it won’t get you arrested because it isn’t illegal to deny the hoax in Britain.
Any volunteers should speak up in the comments section, and maybe a few of you can go together.
This is a prime opportunity to let out some of your anger in a constructive way that violates no laws. You will feel a right ubermench after having completed the task, as you sit and sip a celebratory pint at the pub with your mates. The only possible outcome is absolute victory, because she cannot answer these questions of ours, and whatever the reaction is, it will be damning.
Note that you would not necessarily even have to appear in the YouTube version yourself, if you are uncomfortable with that. The important thing is to film it in such a way as the question can be heard, and her reaction seen clearly. You can just film it with your iPhone or Android device.
You may want to wear a kipah to throw her off. Only half-joking. It is a synagogue.
Here is the info:
Kinloss Synagogue
Kinloss Gardens
N3 3DU
£8.00 — £10.00KLC is proud to present
A Special Guest Speaker
Tuesday 17th June
8:00pmDr Caroline Sturdy-Colls
The full announcement is here.
These opportunities do not come up everyday. This must happen.

Are you up to the challenge, o my Aryan British brothers?
If you are not in or around London, or are lacking in courage, spread this around to any folks you might know who can take this woman on.
This will remain in the top stories all day today.
Hail Victory.
Make certain you do not appear threatening, and do not touch her under any circumstances. Do not come at her. Be polite and professional and ask her the questions directly.
The Daily Stormer is opposed to all forms of violence. We are also opposed to being unnecessarily rude to women – even Jewesses.