Sven Longshanks
Daily Stormer
November 8, 2014
As if anyone needed any more convincing, David Cameron has confirmed in no uncertain terms that he is nothing less than a most vile and despicable traitor to the British people.
Last night he called for there to be a non-White Prime Minister within the next few decades and pledged to do all that he can, to ensure that Saracens fill all the highest posts in the land.
Apparently, we will not be achieving our full potential until we have a low IQ rape monkey running the country for us with sub-Saharan gorillas as directors of commerce under him.
Mr Cameron said at the GG2 Leadership Awards sponsored by the Daily Mail: ‘One day I want to hear that title “Prime Minister” followed by a British Asian name.
‘In Britain today there are still too few ethnic minorities in top positions. Let us think big about what Britons of all backgrounds can achieve. When I hear “sir”, “your honour” or “right honourable”, I want them to be followed by a British Asian name.
How can this be anything other than treason?
How dare he claim to speak for the British people and say that he wants to see strangers put in positions of power above us.
Jews may claim that their traits are only passed down through the female line, but Cameron is proof positive that they pass through the male line too.
‘The absence is glaring in the boardrooms of the FTSE 250, in the chambers of the Houses of Parliament, on football managers’ benches; on high court judges’ benches and in our fighter jets, our naval ships, our armed battalions around the world.
The treacherous snake even wants to turn our armed forces over to them and give them the power to judge us.
‘I am clear: this has to change. Not to tick boxes or fulfil quotas – but to fulfil potential.
‘Because Britain will only be the best it can be when its people – when all its people – are all they can be.
‘So I think there are three big things we, everyone here, can do: First, remove the barriers that stop people getting on. Second, attack prejudice. And third, celebrate role models. Because only then can we create a country where everyone – whatever their background – can get on.’
This despicable traitor is literally cheering on and encouraging those of our enemies who have usurped the most power and influence over us.
A century ago he would have been hung, drawn and quartered for his crimes, a punishment that will seem light once the God of our ancestors catches up with him.