Camwhores Rage After Anime Girl Becomes Top Streamer on Porn Streaming Platform

Lee Rogers
Daily Stormer
February 16, 2020

Camwhores are very unhappy that an anime camwhore has managed to out whore them.

Camwhores on the porn streaming site Chaturbate have become enraged after an anime girl under the handle @ProjektMelody became the site’s top streamer in a matter of days, as One Angry Gamer reports.

Her Valentine’s Day stream was quite the hit.

This development is not all that surprising. Women have been brainwashed into believing that they are special simply because they have a hole between their legs. As a result, they put little effort into being the best woman, or in this case, the best camwhore they can be.

It is painfully obvious that the average woman is not special. In fact, your average female of breeding age is the exact opposite of special and offers very little value to men.

The fact that an anime camwhore drew more male interest than all other actual real life camwhores on a porn streaming site should be a major wake up call to them.

It just speaks to how worthless women have become. If anything, being a prostitute or a camwhore is something that even your average woman should be moderately successful at. Unfortunately for them, they are so pathetically useless they can’t even manage to do this properly. They should be ashamed of themselves as women for letting an anime girl outshine them. In fact, they shouldn’t even consider themselves women for letting such a thing happen.

A similar phenomenon has already occurred with sex robots. Men have gotten so fed up with the insanity of real life women that some are opting to buy a sex robot instead.

But from a larger cultural perspective, this whole episode is disturbing and speaks to how our society has devolved. Men should not be spending their time throwing shekels at real or virtual camwhores. Pornography is a weapon that has been used to sexually manipulate and weaken men. It has become a major problem for society and one that is not being adequately addressed.

It is however quite hilarious to see a cartoon character putting camwhores out of business. They are certainly deserving of such a fate.