Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 27, 2020

Many people don’t understand what the media means when it says “the values of our democracy.”
People claim that “the values of our democracy” is overly vague, and that it could actually mean anything that the media or the government wants it to mean.
So, let me just spell it out for you: “the values of our democracy” means trannies.

And if you do not accept the values of our democracy, you cannot play ice hockey with your son.
A Canadian youth hockey coach of 3 years says he has barred from assisting his son’s team on the bench as a result of his unwillingness to participate in league-mandated gender identity training.
“I can’t coach,” the father, identified only as “John Doe” over fears that he would be accused of “transphobia” for speaking to the media, told Quillette.
“I can’t be on the bench. I can’t help on the ice — even just to help on the ice, you need this training.”
According to the outlet, major legal and regulatory changes have come to Canadian youth hockey in recent years as a result of coaching abuse scandals. The father was keen on a number of the actions taken, and educational efforts made, to protect the nation’s youth athletes.
That is, until he discovered one such educational effort — what Quillette referred to as a “mandatory gender identity training course” — was vested almost entirely in the “ideological,” rather than the scientific and practical.
"One slide used to train hockey coaches instructs them on the concept of ‘polygender’—which relates to those ‘who identify as multiple genders simultaneously & can be several genders at once,’ or who change their genders ‘depending on the day or the week’"
— Quillette (@Quillette) January 22, 2020
The educational effort in question?
A broad, deeply progressive “free-form gender-studies seminar” on topics ranging from the oppressive colonial history of the “gender binary” to the wide array of genders now deemed mainstream by left-wing cultural orthodoxy, Quillette reported.
“I would be fine taking an awareness course if it [were] factual and based in science,” the man said.
“But I felt it was too ideological.”
Now mandated by Hockey Eastern Ontario and two other prominent youth hockey leagues, gender identity courses were introduced in light of the 2017 settlement of a roughly 4-year legal battle fought in the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario.
Female-to-male transgender individual Jesse Thompson had filed a complaint claiming HEO, then known as the Ottawa District Hockey Association, had discriminated against her by denying her access to the men’s locker room, according to Canada Press.
And let’s just be frank, whether or not you think the league treated Thompson’s so-called gender identity in an insensitive manner, this treatment could not possibly justify the content of the new training guidelines, which can only be described as insane — to put it nicely.
Created by Egale Canada, a Toronto-base LGBT advocacy organization that claims children begin forming their gender identity — a distinct human characteristic separate from one’s biological sex — “between 18-30 months” of age, the training reportedly consists of 33 slides.
Judging from seminar screen shots provided to The Western Journal by Quillette, some of those slides are completely bereft of any athletic information whatsoever.
From insisting that coaches use initial team meetings to have youth athletes introduce themselves and their preferred pronouns — a step the father doesn’t really take issue with — to introducing the topic of cultural “cisnormativity,” the training hits every left-wing academic cliche, truism and flight of fancy.
On slide 18 is a poorly designed map depicting the colonialist spread of our supposedly European-manufactured social norm which holds that there are only two genders, both of which are associated with the biological sex “assigned” to us at birth.
Other slides reportedly include explanations of the gender spectrum and such identities as “agender,” for those who do not identify with gender at all, or “polygender,” for those who associate with “multiple genders simultaneously” and may change their gender based on the day of the week.
According to Egale curriculum developer Jaclyn Isen, the goal of the training is to provide “integrative anti-oppression education” and create a more inclusive environment for transgender and gender-questioning individuals in every facet of society, Quillette reported.
Let’s be real: forced tranny brainwashing being required for all hockey players is kind of hilarious.
Basically, there was a chance to stop all of this stuff, but that is long passed. We are now in a situation where we are in so deep, the only way to get back to normalcy is through some kind of total social collapse.
People ignored all of this psycho weird stuff, ostensibly “minding their own business” as it intensified, and now we’re into “before the kids play hockey, they must be given an opportunity to cut their dicks off and if you don’t agree with this you’re lucky not to end up in prison.”
The fact that there was no popular backlash as this stuff was brought in means that now they can pick off anyone voicing concern one by one and make public examples of them.