Canada: Ontario Police to Stop Reporting Criminals’ Gender

Daily Stormer
September 30, 2019

The struggle is real

“Somebody did something” is the future of crime reporting.

And you’re a bigot if you don’t like it.

Life Site News:

The Ontario Provincial Police won’t be publishing the “gender” of those accused of crimes or of their alleged victims because of privacy concerns and the “need to be progressive,” a spokesperson announced at a Monday press conference.

The policy change took effect in May after the force reviewed the Police Services Act, the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, and the Ontario Human Rights Code, Sgt. Carolle Dionne told reporters.

“When we were reviewing our standard operating procedures, we realized we were including information that was not permissible for us to release,” she said, as quoted in the CBC.

“We have a lot of individuals who identify as male but actually are female, or vice versa. That’s one of the reasons. Also, we want to respect the wishes of individuals,” added Dionne.

Nothing says progress quite like making sure mentally ill criminals’ feelings don’t get hurt.

The OPP then decided to exclude “gender” information in media releases to be cautious about privacy and “be progressive in the change of times,” Dionne said, as quoted by Canadian Press.

While a name in a media release is often gender-specific, when the accused’s gender is not readily apparent, the OPP now won’t give out that information when asked, the CBC reported.

“We will now say ‘the individual’ or ‘the accused,’ and not use gender-specific pronouns,” Dionne explained. “In the case of a suspect where we need to be more specific, we will say ‘appears to be a female’ or ‘appears to be a male,’” she added.

Other personal information on the accused — name, age and hometown — will be released publicly, Dionne told reporters.

Moreover, it will be necessary sometimes to temporarily publish an individual’s gender, such as when police are trying to identify a suspect, or seeking a missing person, she said.

“If I’m looking for somebody, a suspect, and I have descriptors from witnesses that believe they saw a male conduct an armed robbery and he was armed and dangerous or may have had a firearm, then that person would be identified as a male,” said Dionne, as quoted in GlobalNews.

But any gender references will be deleted after charges are laid, she said.

“The focus is about an individual being charged in the courts as a result of their illegal activity. For example, an impaired driver — it doesn’t matter that it was a male or a female … the gender didn’t really play a role in there,” Dionne said, as reported by Canadian Press.

Am I the only one who ever considered that “Canada” might not actually really exist, and is just some kind of elaborate 4chan prank?

Think about it – when have you ever heard of Canada in any context other than this nonstop goofy shit about trannies and faggots and diversity?

How is this real?

Everything makes much more sense if you look at it that way.

Gwen Landolt, a lawyer and vice president of conservative advocacy group REAL Women of Canada, blasted the OPP policy as self-serving “utter rank foolishness” and a potential risk to public safety.

The sex of an alleged perpetrator is “highly relevant, whether it’s sexual assault or drunk driving,” Landolt told LifeSiteNews.

“When an offense has occurred, the public should be aware of all the facts,” she said. The OPP policy “is a danger to the public, and that’s one of the scandals that’s going on with all this so-called progressive” agenda.

“It’s nothing to do with common sense and everything to do with protecting their backside against liability,” Landolt added. “The OPP are afraid they’ll be sued if a transgendered man decides he’s supposed to be female and he’s called the wrong thing.”

The “whole idea just plays into this myth that one’s sex can be changed and we know it can’t,” she told LifeSiteNews.

“And it’s just playing foolish games at our expense.”


This woman can say that in public IN CANADA and not get arrested?

How is that even possible?

When transgendered “woman” Aurora Wells went missing in Toronto in 2017, the TPS consistently referred to him as a “woman” and used female pronouns when discussing the case, as did media.

Wells’ decomposed body was found in August near Rosedale Valley Road and identified in November after his father reported him missing.

Well that cheered me up a little, assuming it’s a real thing that happened in a real place that actually exists.

But I’m getting more and more convinced that Canada is really just a (poor) joke taken too far, and the stuff coming out these days is just harder and harder to believe.

Jumping the shark