Cardiff: Swastika on a Billboard! Yes! Finally!

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
August 2, 2017

It was just an electronic billboard. And they managed to shut it down.

But someday, Swastika billboards will line the streets of Cardiff.

I can promise you that.


Offensive images have been displayed on a Cardiff city centre billboard, prompting a police investigation.

Swastikas and far-right images were displayed on the Queen Street screen on Tuesday night after a hacker gained control and selected what was shown.

Writing in an anonymous online post, the hacker claimed there was a security vulnerability with the screens.

BlowUP media, which controls the billboard, has been contacted for comment.

South Wales Police said they had received a number of calls relating to the incident.


Good luck finding a random guy who exploited a security vulnerability – presumably the old “no password” loophole – and hacked a billboard. He probably doesn’t even live in that country.

We’ll probably be seeing more of these over the next few days…