CCTV Catches Blacks Stuffing Latex Gloves in Elderly White Woman’s Mouth and Beating Her

Daily Mail
February 17, 2015

How could anyone harm an elderly woman? These creatures are pure evil. Eryetha Mayberry is 96-years-old and she was abused by the beasts who were paid to be caring for her.

A family has been awarded a million dollar payout after shocking undercover footage revealed their mother was being abused in her care home.

Eryetha Mayberry, 96, had dementia and was living at Quail Creek Nursing and Rehabilitation Center in Oklahoma when her daughters Doris, Earlene and Sandra suspected that caretakers were stealing from her.

They installed hidden cameras that collected footage of employees manhandling the grandmother by shoving latex gloves into her mouth and hitting her head.

The grotesque Black females stuffed latex gloves in her mouth and beat her around the head.

After seeing the footage, the family filed a civil lawsuit, and Friday the nursing home was found guilty of negligence, and the family was awarded $1.2 million in compensation, according to Fox23.

The family also assisted in passing the POLO Act, a law allowing cameras inside of rooms at nursing homes, according to News9.

Following the incident three years ago, caretakers Lucy Waithira Gakunga and Caroline Kaseke were subsequently fired from the home and turned over to police.

The video footage that was handed over to police allegedly showed Gakunga shoving latex gloves into Mayberry’s mouth and forcibly holding them there while Kaseke watched, according to NewsOK.

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